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Trial begins after the death of a boy on a school trip

A fifth grade class goes away for a few days. But the school trip to a forest education center ends abruptly - a boy dies. Now the case ends up in court.

The Verden Regional Court is hearing the case of an employee of an educational center after
The Verden Regional Court is hearing the case of an employee of an educational center after the accidental death of a

Trial begins after the death of a boy on a school trip

More than four years after the accidental death of a boy on a school trip in the district of Diepholz, south of Bremen, a trial is being held. The trial for involuntary manslaughter by omission begins today, Wednesday, at Verden District Court. The accused is an employee of a forest education center of the state forestry in Schwaförden.

According to the investigators, the accident occurred in July 2019 during a school trip by a fifth-grade class from Wolfsburg. After an outdoor breakfast break, some of the children were romping around on a wagon on the grounds of the forest education center. The 400-kilogram wagon started moving on the tracks - and ran over the boy. The ten-year-old died at the scene of the accident.

Lore not suitable for playing

The school trip was aborted at the time. Children, teachers and staff at the forest education center were in shock and had to be cared for by paramedics and emergency counselors. The coroner's office examined the boy's body.

According to earlier information from the public prosecutor's office, the trolley was not intended for play and was not suitable for this purpose according to a TÜV report. The investigators accuse the 35-year-old defendant of failing to check the trolley was ready to drive.

The charge of negligent homicide by omission was originally also directed against the then head of the Nienburg forestry office responsible. The regional court did not allow the charges against the man, the higher regional court in Celle confirmed the decision. According to the court, there was no sufficient suspicion against the man and the duties had been transferred to the management.

The boy's parents are appearing as co-plaintiffs in the trial. "We are broken, we are angry, but we don't want pity," said the father in an interview with the Braunschweiger Zeitung newspaper. "We demand answers and a verdict." A verdict could be reached on December 15.

  1. The tragedy on the school trip has sparked discussions about the safety procedures and accountability in forest education centers, raising concerns among parents and educators about the lore surrounding such activities.
  2. The school curriculum often includes trips to nature centers and educational facilities, but this incident has underscored the importance of thorough processes and checks to ensure the safety of children during these outings.
  3. As the trial continues, the gravity of the lapsed processes and negligence in this case serves as a chilling reminder of the role schools and educators must play in safeguarding the wellbeing of their students, especially during class trips.


