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Train part comes loose and is forgotten at the station

Unexpectedly long stop at the station: without the train driver realizing it, part of his train became detached. He only noticed it at the next stop.

Signpost at the train station in Trebnitz in the district of Märkisch-Oderland.
Signpost at the train station in Trebnitz in the district of Märkisch-Oderland.

Railroad - Train part comes loose and is forgotten at the station

Numerous passengers on a train from Berlin to Poland were stranded for more than an hour at a small station due to a breakdown. Their part of the train became detached from the front train at Alt Rosenthal station east of Berlin without the train driver noticing, as the operator Niederbarnimer Eisenbahn (NEB) announced on Friday. "A coupling came loose when the train was moving off at a stop," said a NEB spokesperson.

The train driver only noticed the breakdown at the next but one station. He then drove back with his part of the train, in which 20 to 25 passengers were sitting, to pick up the rear part of the train. The 70 to 80 forgotten passengers had to wait for more than an hour and a half. The "Märkische Oderzeitung" and the "Berliner Zeitung" had previously reported on this.

"This has never happened before," said the company spokesperson. The journey without a second train section also had consequences for other trains: the line was temporarily closed.

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