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Totally married couple in hotel: No suspicion towards third parties

A man and a woman die in a Mainz hotel. According to investigators, no other suspects are involved. Many questions about the crime are still open.

After the murder in a Mainz hotel, there is no suspicion against third parties.
After the murder in a Mainz hotel, there is no suspicion against third parties.

Mainz - Totally married couple in hotel: No suspicion towards third parties

After a couple was violently found dead in a hotel in Mainz, investigators do not suspect anyone else, according to the police and prosecutor's office in Mainz. The deceased are a 26-year-old woman and a 30-year-old man.

The two were discovered on a Friday, one of whom had already died from their injuries. The second person succumbed to their severe injuries despite revival attempts at the hotel.

The investigators initially did not provide further details about the course of the incident, backgrounds, or motive. They also left open the question of which of the two was revived first. The deceased were to be autopsied on the following Wednesday. There were no police findings against the two prior to this. They were also not registered as guests at the hotel. Both had no residence in Germany.

After the discovery of the two victims, a special operations command (SEK) searched the hotel in the Rhineland-Palatinate state capital. The securing of evidence was extensive. Approximately 130 guests were present at the hotel at the time of the incident. In addition to the examination of traces by specialists, the investigators interviewed many hotel guests, passersby, and hotel staff.

The investigation into the fatal incident at the hotel in Mainz is being led by the local Public Prosecutor's Office and police. Despite being a married couple, both individuals had no residence in Germany. Following the extensive search of the hotel by the SEK, interviews were conducted with numerous hotel guests, staff, and passersby in Rhineland-Palatinate for potential clues.

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