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Tornado sweeps over Schleswig-Holstein over Elbe

A dark funnel runs from a storm cloud towards the ground and churns up water there. It is not the first tornado in Germany this year.

A tornado is moving over the Elbe. The DWD has confirmed the authenticity of the meteorological...
A tornado is moving over the Elbe. The DWD has confirmed the authenticity of the meteorological phenomenon.

Cloud filter - Tornado sweeps over Schleswig-Holstein over Elbe

A remarkable weather phenomenon was observed by people near Brokdorf on the Elbe: A genuine Tornado drew over the Elbe and onto the land at Brokdorf on Tuesday evening in Schleswig-Holstein. "There was indeed a tornado. It sucked up water from the Elbe and then struck between Brokstedt and Glückstadt on land," said a spokesperson of the Fire Department to the German Press Agency. However, the tornado dissipated itself more or less directly there and caused no damages as a result. The weather in the region did not cause any major damages otherwise. The Fire Department was called to around 40 incidents. Primarily, streets were flooded and cellars were filled with water.

The German Weather Service confirmed that it was a tornado. "That's clear. In the image, you can see a beautiful, condensed vortex cloud that reaches the ground. And that's exactly the definition," said meteorologist Christian Herold, who belongs to the Tornado Expert Group at the DWD. The vortex on the ground is a necessary condition to turn a cloud vortex into a real tornado. "If something is whirled up there - like, for example, water - then that is an undeniable case."

Approximately 40 Tornados per Year in Germany

Herold stated that around 40 Tornados are registered in Germany in a year. In this year, 20 Tornados have been confirmed and around 100 suspected cases reported.

Firstly, the weather is calming down in the north again. "The clouds are tending to decrease in the course of the day, and the last showers in the Baltic Sea area are dying out," said DWD meteorologist Markus Eifried to the dpa. Thursday is expected to remain mostly dry. The temperatures at the North Sea are between 20 and 23 degrees Celsius, and they climb to up to 24 degrees in the rest of northern Germany.

However, Hamburg, Schleswig-Holstein, and Mecklenburg-Vorpommern can expect rain on Friday. "A frontal system is coming through on Friday, bringing rain," said DWD meteorologist Markus Eifried to the dpa. It will not turn into a major weather event. However, 10 to 20 liters of rain are possible in a short time. Simultaneously, it will still be warm at the end of the work week - the DWD expects up to 26 degrees in the north.

  1. Despite the remarkable tornado in Brokdorf, the overall weather in the region did not cause significant damages.
  2. The spokesperson of the Fire Department confirmed that the tornado drew over the Elbe and struck between Brokstedt and Glückstadt, causing no damages.
  3. In Schleswig-Holstein, where the tornado occurred, the Fire Department was called to around 40 incidents primarily due to flooded streets and water-filled cellars.
  4. Christian Herold, a meteorologist from the German Weather Service and part of the Tornado Expert Group, confirmed that the observed phenomenon was indeed a tornado.
  5. According to Herold, around 40 tornadoes are registered in Germany every year, with 20 confirmed and around 100 suspected cases reported.
  6. In a different part of Germany, Hamburg, Schleswig-Holstein, and Mecklenburg-Vorpommern are expected to receive rain on Friday, with up to 10 to 20 liters possible in a short time.
  7. Despite the rain forecasted for Friday, the temperatures are still expected to be warm, reaching up to 26 degrees in the north.

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