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Tomorrowland organizers face a million-dollar fine

There were also bottles, but for the organisers of Tomorrowland festival, the single-use cups were...
There were also bottles, but for the organisers of Tomorrowland festival, the single-use cups were a bigger problem.

Tomorrowland organizers face a million-dollar fine

Large festivals generate a lot of waste. In Belgium, authorities are trying to limit this damage by banning the use of disposable cups at events since this year. However, the organizers of the techno event "Tomorrowland" seem to be ignoring this rule, which could cost them dearly.

The Belgian electronic music festival Tomorrowland is facing a potential fine of up to two million euros for using disposable cups. "Disposable cups were used on the festival grounds, which violates environmental legislation and thus constitutes an environmental crime," said a spokesperson from the Flemish Environment Ministry. Reusable cups were only used in certain closed-off areas, such as the VIP area, at the festival near Antwerp, one of the largest electronic music festivals in the world.

Based on a report from the ministry, the public prosecutor's office will decide whether the case will be pursued criminally or handled by the environmental ministry's fine collection department. The fine can amount to up to two million euros, with additional costs potentially including the savings the festival made by not complying with the regulations. These costs are currently estimated to be over 1.5 million euros, according to the spokesperson.

In Flanders, the Dutch-speaking region of Belgium, events are now only allowed to serve drinks in reusable containers as of June 2023. Last year, exceptions were possible if organizers still had a supply of disposable cups - even Tomorrowland had a special arrangement with the environmental ministry. However, according to the Belgian news agency Belga, they still wanted to use up their stock of disposable cups this year, citing many practical problems with reusable cups.

Tomorrowland, with several hundred thousand visitors, took place over the past two weekends in the Flemish city of Boom. A total of 29 people were arrested for drug dealing, according to police, as reported by Belga. Overall, there were 149 arrests at the festival, including violations of the narcotics law, pickpocketing, and attempts to enter the grounds without a ticket.

The European Union may potentially raise concerns over Tomorrowland's environmental practices, given their commitment to sustainability. Despite the European Union's push towards eco-friendly events, Tomorrowland's continued use of disposable cups puts them at risk of facing penalties from not only the Flemish Environment Ministry but also EU environmental regulations.

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