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Title of the last 'Tatort' case with Koch and Broich

It greens so green, when Frankfort's mountains bloom": This is to be called the last "Tatort" of Commissioners Janneke and Brix. The Hessian Broadcasting Corporation announces this case "with a spectacular ending

About ten years ago, Wolfram Koch and Margarita Broich were introduced as new TV detectives for the...
About ten years ago, Wolfram Koch and Margarita Broich were introduced as new TV detectives for the Hessian Broadcasting Corporation (hr) in Frankfurt's 'Tatort'.

Television - Title of the last 'Tatort' case with Koch and Broich

After 19 cases in nearly ten years, it's over: The last case with the Frankfurt "Tatort" team Janneke and Brix, played by Margarita Broich and Wolfram Koch, will reportedly be aired in good nine weeks on Hessian Broadcasting (hr). On September 29, the crime "It's so green when Frankfurt's mountains bloom" will be broadcasted, according to hr. In late June, hr announced the new investigator duo Melika Foroutan and Edin Hasanovic_. They will likely make their first appearance in the second half of 2025 - "in the 2025/26 season".

Matthias Brandt plays the leading role in the last Janneke-&-Brix film. He portrays the charismatic psychologist and victim counselor Tristan Grünfels. The ending will be spectacular. "The situation escalates, and the entanglements between Grünfels, Brix, and Janneke culminate in a major showdown." The first case with Broich and Koch as Anna Janneke and Paul Brix - "Colder than Death" - was aired on May 17, 2015. There was a new crime every year.

Broich states at the end of her tenure as a "Tatort" investigator: "Wolfram and I have known each other for many years from the theater, and working with him on the Frankfurt 'Tatort' was pure pleasure." It's time to say goodbye to Frankfurt. She wants to focus on other projects and do more theater, as well as spend more time on photography and her grandchildren.

Koch emphasized that the Frankfurt team was like a family - "with the wonderful HR team members, with the courageous redaction, which always managed to push through unusual film projects, and with Margarita Broich, with whom it was always great fun".

  1. Despite the end of the Frankfurt "Tatort" team with Janneke and Brix, Hesse's broadcaster hr has announced a new investigator duo, Melika Foroutan and Edin Hasanovic, set to debut in 2025.
  2. The final case featuring Paul Brix and Margarita Broich as Janneke and Brix, titled "It's so green when Frankfurt's mountains bloom," will air on hr in good nine weeks.
  3. Foroutan and Hasanovic will make their first appearance in the second half of 2025, marking a new era for Frankfurt am Main's detective series on hr.
  4. Matthias Brandt, known for his role in the hit series "Deutschland 83," will take center stage in the last Janneke-&-Brix film, portraying the charismatic victim counselor Tristan Grünfels.
  5. Hesse's broadcaster, hr, revealed that the new investigator duo will tackle their first case in the 2025/26 season, much to the excitement of Frankfurt-based television audiences.
  6. When asked about her departure from "Tatort," Margarita Broich praised her longtime colleague Wolfram Koch, acknowledging their shared history from theater days and their enjoyable time working together on the Frankfurt "Tatort."
  7. The Frankfurt "Tatort" team was like a family to Wolfram Koch, consisting of hr's dedicated team members, the brave editorial team, and colleagues like Broich, who always made filming a joyous experience.

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