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Ticket machines in Halle destroyed

Explosions in Halle: Ticket machines are blown up and cash registers are stolen. The police are searching for the perpetrators.

Damage in the five-digit area - police are investigating the bombing of ticket machines in Halle.
Damage in the five-digit area - police are investigating the bombing of ticket machines in Halle.

Criminality - Ticket machines in Halle destroyed

In Halle, two Fahrkartenautomaten were blown up on Sunday morning. The Criminal Police are investigating due to causing explosions with explosives. The first incident occurred according to the police around 5.30 am at the S-Bahn-Haltepunkt Südstadt, where a Fahrkartenautomat was blown up and the cash boxes were stolen. Shortly thereafter, around 6 am, there was another explosion reported at the S-Bahn-Haltepunkt Silberhöhe, concerning another Fahrkartenautomat.

The Police estimate the damages at both automats in the five-figure sum. Witnesses reported according to the police about three suspects who fled on motorcycles after the explosions. Despite support from a helicopter of the Federal Police and a tracking dog, the perpetrators could not be arrested yet. The railway line had to be temporarily closed.

The explosions at the S-Bahn stations in Halle caused significant damage to two ticket machines, estimated to be in the five-figure range by the police. The Criminal Police Office of CRIPO in Saxony-Anhalt is actively investigating the incidents due to suspected criminality involving explosives. Witnesses described seeing three individuals flee the scene on motorcycles immediately following the explosions, but they remain at large, evading capture, despite the efforts of the police and a tracking dog.

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