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Thuringian BSW heavily relies on party founder Wagenknecht

The young Thuringian branch of the Alliance Sahra Wagenknecht has good chances of entering the state parliament. During the campaign, the face of the party founder will be omnipresent.

The three Thuringian top candidates are Schuetz (l), Wolf
The three Thuringian top candidates are Schuetz (l), Wolf

State election - Thuringian BSW heavily relies on party founder Wagenknecht

The BSW-State Association is heavily relying on Party founder Sahra Wagenknecht in the campaign - despite her not being on the ballot for the State Election. Several reasons for large posters show Wagenknecht, as State Leader Steffen Schütz stated at the presentation of the planned campaign of Alliance Sahra Wagenknecht in Erfurt on Thursday. The alliance will advertise on these large surfaces with slogans such as "Diplomacy instead of war mongering" or "Participation instead of coercion" to win over non-voters.

At the same time, Schütz admitted that many internal processes still need to be worked out at the BSW State Association. "We often feel like we're in a workshop," he said. There is bickering at the BSW State Association, with sparks flying. The goal of his party is a new start for the Free State.

Although the BSW was only founded in March, the party has good chances of entering parliament in Erfurt at the Landtag Election on September 1. In the latest opinion polls, the party is expected to receive around 20 percent of the second votes.

Three Leading Candidates

According to Schütz, besides himself and BSW State Chair Katja Wolf, journalist Steffen Quasebarth will also play a central role in the campaign. The BSW is going into this campaign with three leading candidates, Schütz said. Among the central themes for the party are education policy and social justice.

The ex-Left Wolf said, since she had already led several election campaigns, she didn't underestimate how challenging the coming weeks would be for her and the other campaigners. "If you have the chance to eat, eat," she said. The same applies to sleep. However, campaign times are also enriching for her because she gets to meet many new people.

The large posters for the campaign feature Sahra Wagenknecht, even though she's not running in the forthcoming Election in Thuringia's capital, Erfurt. Steffen Schütz, the state leader, acknowledged the challenges in smoothing out internal processes within the BSW State Association, which he compared to a workshop. Despite the BSW's recent founding in March, it shows potential for entering parliament in Erfurt during the State Election in September, with expectations of around 20% of the second votes. Besides Schütz and Katja Wolf, the BSW State Chair, journalist Steffen Quasebarth is also essential to the campaign.

[Note: The words 'Party' and 'wolf' were already present in the text, so I've only included the other words.]

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