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Thunder over Quickborn - People encircled by water

Not only lightning and thunder, but also heavy rain and wind: A heavy thunderstorm causes flooding in Quickborn - and thus many fire department interventions.}

A heavy thunderstorm releases dozens of fire department interventions.
A heavy thunderstorm releases dozens of fire department interventions.

Bad weather - Thunder over Quickborn - People encircled by water

A heavy thunderstorm over Quickborn in the Kreis Pinneberg caused flooding and dozens of fire department interventions. The evening storm brought a lot of rain and strong winds, according to the Kreisfeuerwehrverband Pinneberg. "In a short time, numerous streets were flooded and cellars as well as a underground garage were filled." Over 200 interventions by the fire department and the Technical Aid Organization (THW) were triggered. Between 18.30 and 21 hours there was a large-scale power outage. The securing of several transformer stations and substations was a major challenge.

At some intervention sites, people were trapped by the water for a while. Some storm-affected people found shelter in the main fire station Quickborn. So far, there have been no injured, the Fire Department reported around midnight. Approximately 30 interventions are still ongoing. Local fire departments from Quickborn, Hasloh and Bilsen, the THW and the German Red Cross (DRK) were involved in this.

The thunderstorm in Quickborn, a town in Schleswig-Holstein, Germany, was particularly intense, causing the fire department and THW to carry out numerous operations. The weather conditions resulted in flooding of numerous streets and filled basements and underground garages. The fire department and THW responded to over 200 interventions, with some individuals temporarily trapped by the water. fortunately, no injuries have been reported so far. The storm also led to a significant power outage between 18.30 and 21 hours, requiring the fire department to secure several transformer stations and substations. Local aid organizations, including the German Red Cross, also joined efforts to assist those affected by the flooding in Pinneberg District's Quickborn. Despite ongoing interventions, the firstborn of a family found safety at the main fire station in Quickborn.

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