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Three suspected right-wing extremists arrested

After raids against "Knockout 51"

The right-wing extremist martial arts group "Knockout 51" has been targeted by the police
The right-wing extremist martial arts group "Knockout 51" has been targeted by the police in

Three suspected right-wing extremists arrested

On Thursday, the premises of the right-wing extremist group "Knockout 51" are searched in Erfurt and Eisenach. In the course of the investigation, the police arrest three men. They are accused of membership of a criminal organization. Arrest warrants are now issued.

Following searches in the course of investigations into the right-wing extremist martial arts group "Knockout 51", arrest warrants have been issued and executed against three men. Two of the suspects are accused of membership of a right-wing extremist criminal and terrorist organization, while another is said to be a supporter, according to the Federal Public Prosecutor General in Karlsruhe. The three were arrested on Thursday.

Four properties were searched in Thuringia - according to dpa information in Erfurt and Eisenach. "Knockout 51" was mainly active in the Eisenach area; the group was made up of particularly violent right-wing extremists. According to the Federal Public Prosecutor General, it was a right-wing extremist martial arts group that "attracted young, nationalist-minded men under the guise of joint physical training, deliberately indoctrinated them with right-wing extremist ideas and trained them for physical confrontations with police officers, members of the left-wing political scene and other people considered worth fighting".

A trial against four alleged members of "Knockout 51" is already underway at the Jena Higher Regional Court. The men had planned, among other things, to kill their political opponents by using knives, axes and machetes, it was said during the reading of the indictment. The court had only admitted the charges against the men on the condition that "Knockout 51" was only classified as a criminal organization and not as a terrorist organization, at least temporarily.

Read also:

  1. The arrested individuals were part of a right-wing extremist group, "Knockout 51", which was mainly active in the Eisenach area of Thuringia.
  2. The Federal Public Prosecutor General in Karlsruhe issued arrest warrants against three of its members, accusing two of them of membership in a right-wing extremist terrorist organization and the third as a supporter.
  3. The search and arrest operations were not only carried out in Erfurt, but also in other parts of Thuringia, underlining the spread of right-wing extremism in the region.
  4. The right-wing extremist group "Knockout 51" is under investigation for planning to carry out attacks against political opponents with weapons such as knives, axes, and machetes, and for training its members for physical confrontations with specific groups.


