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Three lightly injured in fire in Wendisch Evern

On a balcony of a multi-family house in Wendisch Evern near Lüneburg, a fire breaks out. Three people sustain smoke inhalation injuries. The damage is estimated to be over one million Euros.

On a balcony of a multi-family house in Wendisch Evern near Lüneburg, a fire breaks out.(Image)
On a balcony of a multi-family house in Wendisch Evern near Lüneburg, a fire breaks out.(Image)

Brand - Three lightly injured in fire in Wendisch Evern

At a fire in a multi-family house in Wendisch Evern near Luneburg, three people were lightly injured by smoke inhalation. Around 20 people had to be evacuated from the building early in the morning, as the police reported. The fire broke out around 1:45 am on a balcony in the upper story of the Klostergut Willerding housing complex. The damage is estimated to be over one million Euros.

The fire department was able to prevent the spread of the fire to other buildings, and the firefighting efforts lasted into the early morning hours. Several apartments are currently uninhabitable, as stated. For the duration of the firefighting efforts, a part of the adjacent Kreisstraße 37 was blocked. The affected apartment is being held by the Police for evidence collection. Further investigations into the cause of the fire are ongoing.

The fire incident occurred in the Klostergut Willerding housing complex, which is situated in the vicinity of Lüneburg. Due to the exhaust gas emission, lower traffic was witnessed on Kreisstraße 37 during the firefighting operations.

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