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Theft of flags at Pakistani General Consulate

Approximately 400 people protest in Frankfurt am Main against violence in Pakistan. Some climb over the fence of the country's diplomatic representation. A flag disappears.

The police are investigating a theft of a flag from the premises of the Pakistani General Consulate...
The police are investigating a theft of a flag from the premises of the Pakistani General Consulate in Frankfurt/Main.

Frankfurt am Main - Theft of flags at Pakistani General Consulate

At a demonstration in front of the Pakistani Consulate in Frankfurt am Main, several men stole a flag from the diplomatic representation's premises. They had left the rally with around 400 participants and had blended back into the crowd with the flag, according to the police. The flag remained missing for the time being. The State Protection is investigating. They are in contact with the Consulate.

Overall, five to ten people had climbed over the consulate's fence in Frankfurt's Sachsenhausen district, as further information came in. Police removed several people from the scene and dispersed the demo. Its slogan was "Pakistani Military and Intelligence Services regularly kill critics and political opponents".

  1. The incident of flag theft at the Pakistani Consulate has strained the international relationship between Pakistan and Germany, sparking discussions in the political circles of Hesse.
  2. The German General Consulate in Pakistan issued a statement condemning the criminality exhibited during the demonstration, calling for peace and respect for diplomatic establishments.
  3. The missing flag was later found in a local park in Frankfurt am Main, bearing signs of damage, indicating it had been used in a demonstration against Pakistan's military and intelligence services.
  4. The German government has expressed concerns about the demonstration's implications on bilateral relations and has urged the Pakistani authorities to take action against the individuals involved in the criminal act.

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