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The state secretary denies the accusation

Lamia Messari-Becker, Corona infected, will legally defend against the allegation of misconduct. What does it have to do with the alleged reason for her planned eviction?

Lamia Messari-Becker legally opposes the accusation of misconduct. It is incorrect.
Lamia Messari-Becker legally opposes the accusation of misconduct. It is incorrect.

Personal - The state secretary denies the accusation

Hessian Economic State Secretary Lamia Messari-Becker dismissed all allegations regarding her dismissal. "Accusations of alleged personal misconduct are not comprehensible to me," she stated, having recently fallen ill with Corona.

She had nothing to answer for and deeply regretted that her boss, Economy Minister Kaweh Mansoori (SPD), "could not wait for our personal conversation after my Corona infection." As a civil servant, I have a loyalty obligation towards my employer, regardless of how Minister Mansoori behaves," Messari-Becker added. She would not elaborate further at this time.

Legal Measures

According to the German Press Agency, Messari-Becker is now planning to defend herself against Mansoori's accusation, as reported by various media outlets, including Hessian Broadcasting.

Vice-President Mansoori announced the planned separation from Messari-Becker on Monday in public. As he referred to an incident "outside the employment relationship," he would not comment on the details, Mansoori stated. He had asked Minister President Boris Rhein (CDU) to place Messari-Becker in temporary retirement. She had only become a State Secretary in the newly formed black-red state government in January as a side-entry into politics.

"There's more to it than that."

State Prime Minister Rhein stated in an RTL Hessen summer interview that he first needed to find out that Mansoori was saying "the relationship of trust with his State Secretary is no longer given." He regretted this. "And then it's a sadly normal process for a minister to want to separate from his State Secretary. There's more to it than that."

The State Prime Minister reminded that State Secretaries and State Secretaries, as political civil servants, can be dismissed in the absence of a trust basis. The matter would be resolved, and the trustful and constructive cooperation in the black-red coalition and, of course, also with Minister Mansoori would continue, Rhein concluded.

People have been expressing their concerns about the situation between Lamia Messari-Becker and Economy Minister Kaweh Mansoori. Despite falling ill with Coronavirus, Messari-Becker felt the need to approach her boss for a personal conversation to clarify the allegations against her. The Rhine government, led by Minister President Boris Rhein, is currently dealing with this accusation and the potential dismissal of Messari-Becker. The SPD, being a part of the coalition, has also been involved in this matter. Lamia Messari-Becker is planning to defend her personal data, which has been brought into question due to this accusation. With the exit of Messari-Becker from her position, the coalition in Hesse may face certain challenges.

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