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The RTL telethon: real hope for children

Crises, wars, child poverty

Wolfram Kons: "I guarantee that every cent will be used. Even in the 28th year, 100 percent of
Wolfram Kons: "I guarantee that every cent will be used. Even in the 28th year, 100 percent of the donations will go to the projects for children."

The RTL telethon: real hope for children

On Thursday, live from 6 p.m., the RTL telethon will take place for the 28th time. Corona, climate catastrophes and wars have resulted in unusually generous donations in the fight against child poverty all over the world in recent years - will it be the same again in 2023?

Since 1996, the RTL telethon has raised more than 266 million euros for children in need in Germany and around the world. All donations are passed on to charitable organizations by the "Stiftung RTL - Wir helfen Kindern e.V." foundation - every cent goes to help! A promise that is particularly important in uncertain times: "This year, there will again be the opportunity to donate smaller amounts, for example by text message," says Wolfram Kons in an interview with "Even children donate from their pocket money for other children," says the presenter, "that is particularly touching." Kons has been the face of the campaign for decades, but is still as committed as if every telethon were a one-off event: "I can only say from my own experience: helping makes you happy!"

Never before has the RTL telethon taken place at a time when there were so many dramatic emergency situations for children as there are today. Wars, crises, catastrophes worldwide and the still dramatic child poverty in Germany. "Especially at a time like this, it is important to show that acting in solidarity can and must give children real hope," says Kons and emphasizes: "It's worth fighting for every child." Kons and his team will therefore be fighting around the clock again on November 16 and 17 - and not just on RTL: many other channels and products from the large media family are supporting the campaign with live broadcasts or collection campaigns. "Such an alliance of help for children is unique in Germany," says RTL veteran Kons, himself the father of two sons.

"Fight for every euro!"

The foundation closely monitors that the money is only used for the agreed purpose. For each main project, a celebrity is involved as a sponsor. They accompany the project on site from the very beginning and show viewers and donors how and where their donations reach the children in need.

This year, the focus is on supporting disadvantaged children in Germany, but also on helping children and families in crises, disaster and war zones. Kons is aware that this year, with all the uncertainties and fears that the current situation in the world brings, will be more difficult: "I know that we will have to fight a little harder for every euro this year, but we are happy to do so," says Wolfram Kons, confirming his commitment.

A real piece of television history

For the 28th time, Wolfram Kons will start the RTL telethon live at 6 p.m. on November 16, 2023. For one day, RTL will change its program so that donations can be collected over 24 hours. Once an hour, the program will be broadcast live from the donation studio: There, Wolfram Kons welcomes celebrities to the V.I.P. call center and interviews the sponsors about their experiences during their visits to the aid projects. "Monica Lierhaus, Annika Lau, Philipp Lahm, Felix Neureuther, Isabel Edvardson and Wayne Carpendale - these are people whose commitment is clear to see," Kons is certain: "There's nothing artificial or fake about them." The anthem for this year's charity campaign is sung by none other than Roland Kaiser. With "Bis ans Ende der Welt", he will musically illustrate to the donors - and the children - what is at stake - nothing less than the future of us all.

Proven help for thousands of children all over the world

RTL Germany bears all costs for personnel, travel and production associated with the RTL telethon. This means that every donation can be passed on to the selected children's aid projects without a single cent being deducted. Hundreds of children's aid projects have been supported over the last three decades - countless children in Germany and all over the world have received lasting help. "Our message is: we are not powerless, we are not without hope," Kons wants to encourage all helpers. "We can achieve something if we tackle it together. And, very importantly, we have a responsibility towards the children."

The "Stiftung RTL - Wir helfen Kindern e.V." foundation has consistently carried the coveted DZI seal of approval since 2002. Incidentally, the longest charity program on German television will once again be produced as a climate-neutral production.

You can read the full interview with Wolfram Kons on the 28th RTL telethon tomorrow.


