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The Romantic Gallery celebrates its topping-off ceremony

Ten years ago, planning began for the new 'Gallery of Romanticism' for works by Caspar David Friedrich. Now, the Pomorarian State Museum celebrates its groundbreaking ceremony. Inexpensive it is not.

Six months after the start of construction for the new "Gallery of Romantics" at the Pomeranian State Museum in Greifswald, a groundbreaking ceremony was celebrated. In the new building, which currently only consists of a raw structure with a roof, the picture gallery with works by the Greifswald-born Caspar David Friedrich (1774-1840) is to be presented anew later.

"Caspar David Friedrich would certainly be pleased with this museum building – pleased that his art still moves people in Greifswald", said Museum Director Ruth Slenczka on the construction site. Only thanks to the funding from the Federal Government to the tune of around 6.7 million Euros was the construction of the "Gallery of Romantics" possible.

Planning began in 2013

Construction work for the project began at the end of January 2024. However, the first concrete planning phase had already begun in 2013. "The construction of the Pomeranian State Museum is dear to our hearts, as we have been responsible for it since the architectural competition in 1996. It is a great pleasure for us now to add the 'Gallery of Romantics' as the final building block", said Architect Gregor Sunder-Plassmann.

The Mayor of Greifswald, Stefan Fassbinder, praised the new building: "It is an impressive achievement to realize this building parallel to the great Friedrich jubilee with its numerous exhibitions and events", said the Green politician, who is also Chairman of the Foundation Board.

When the "Gallery of Romantics" will open

It is still unclear when the new Romantics Gallery will open, said Julia Kruse, spokesperson for the Pomeranian State Museum, to the dpa. The focus of the new gallery will later be on Caspar David Friedrich. In a chapel, visitors are supposed to be immersed in his poetic image world multimedia. Interested parties can experience, among other things, how the painter's pictures were created and learn more about the soap boiler's son's love for Canary birds and his magnificent beard.

  1. The foundation laying ceremony for the "Gallery of Romantics" at the Pomeranian State Museum in Greifswald took place six months into its construction.
  2. Greifswald, the birthplace of Caspar David Friedrich, will be home to a renewed presentation of his works in the new gallery, made possible by funding from the Federal Government.
  3. In Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, the construction of the "Gallery of Romantics" started at the end of January 2024, with initial planning initiated in 2013.
  4. Visitors to the "Gallery of Romantics" can expect to be captivated by Caspar David Friedrich's art in a chapel, where his poetic image world is brought to life through multimedia exhibits, showcasing his artistic process and personal interests.

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