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The process for disturbances at Eritrea-Festival is coming to an end

A police officer testified about 'civil war-like conditions'. However, only one man is standing trial in court - many more people were allegedly involved in the assaults in Gießen.}

In connection with the controversial Eritrea-Festival in Gießen, the police used batons and pepper...
In connection with the controversial Eritrea-Festival in Gießen, the police used batons and pepper spray.

court - The process for disturbances at Eritrea-Festival is coming to an end

The process regarding Outbursts at the margin of the Eritrea Festival in Gießen one year ago is coming to an end. On Friday, pleadings are scheduled to be held at the District Court. In the afternoon, the verdict could be announced, as a court clerk stated.

A 24-year-old man is accused, who is alleged to have participated in the protests. The prosecution charges him with serious breach of peace, assault on bailiffs, and grievous bodily harm.

The man is said to belong to the approximately 100 people who attacked police officers on July 8, 2023. From the group, it is reported that stones and bottles were thrown. Several officers were injured. A police officer testified in court about "civil war-like conditions."

  1. The festival in question, held in Gießen last year, was the Eritrea Festival, where an incident involving criminality led to a lengthy process at the District Court.
  2. Despite the tense atmosphere during the Festival in Hesse, where excesses occurred, the accused man faces trial for his alleged involvement in assault on bailiffs, serious breach of peace, and grievous bodily harm at the District Court.
  3. If found guilty, the 24-year-old defendant could face severe consequences at the District Court, as the charges against him include participating in violent outbursts during the Eritrea Festival, causing injuries to several police officers, and disrupting the court process.

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