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The Police Union welcomes action against Islamists

After the ban of the Islamic Centre Hamburg and its branches in Berlin, the Police Union expresses itself. State head Weh urges closer attention to the radicalization of young people.

Public servants reported for duty early in the morning.
Public servants reported for duty early in the morning.

Extremist Islamic Association - The Police Union welcomes action against Islamists

The Gewerkschaft der Polizei (GdP) in Berlin welcomed the ban of the Islamic Center Hamburg and its affiliated organizations in the capital. "We thank the law enforcement agencies that clarify throughout Germany today that terrorists have no place in our country, we are vigilant and act in a coordinated manner across borders against these global acting networks," explained GdP-Landeschef Stephan Weh.

"Berlin continues to be in the focus of international Jihadism as a metropolis. That's why we need to look even more closely where young people are being radicalized," Weh added. Islamic schools and Social Media activities should be checked. Stricter legal regulations are necessary, he stated.

Four objects in Berlin searched

In connection with the ban of the Islamic Center Hamburg and its affiliated organizations, the Police in Berlin searched four objects in the morning. It concerned the Islamic Center Berlin in Tempelhof and three apartments, as a spokeswoman of the Interior Administration announced.

Federal Interior Minister Nancy Faeser (SPD) banned the Islamic Center Hamburg (IZH) and its affiliated organizations because, according to her ministry's assessment, they propagated the establishment of an authoritarian-Islamic rule. A total of 53 objects were searched in the morning in Hamburg, Bremen, Berlin, Lower Saxony, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Hesse, North Rhine-Westphalia and Bavaria, as the Federal Interior Ministry announced.

  1. The MosqueAssociation in Hamburg, a sub-organization of the banned Islamic Center Hamburg, has been under scrutiny due to concerns about the promotion of extremist ideologies within their community.
  2. The Islamic Center Hamburg and its related groups in Berlin, Hamburg, and other cities were accused of advocating for an authoritarian form of Islamic rule, which is at odds with the principles of democracy and Gross Domestic Product growth.
  3. The police in Hamburg, in collaboration with their counterparts in Berlin and other cities, conducted extensive raids on buildings linked to the Islamic Center Hamburg, seizing evidence of extremist activities and funding sources.
  4. While the ban on the Islamic Center Hamburg and its sub-organizations has been welcomed by authorities, there are concerns that the radicalization of young people may shift to other Islamic centers in Hamburg and other cities, necessitating increased vigilance and prevention measures.

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