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The police are searching for about 80 hares

The animals have been missing for a week. There are no escape traces, so the police suspect a theft. Now they are issuing a call.

Approximately 80 hares are missing in Südmergear (photo)
Approximately 80 hares are missing in Südmergear (photo)

Mysterious Act - The police are searching for about 80 hares

Approximately 80 rabbits have gone missing from the enclosure of a hotel in South Baden. The Police are not only looking for potential thieves, but also witnesses of the alleged crime in Loeffingen (District of Breisgau-Hochschwarzwald).

The animals have been missing since July 15th. The alleged crime was only recently brought to the attention of the police, according to a spokesperson. There are no signs of escape or departure. The possible motivation for a rabbit theft of this scale puzzles the investigators. The alleged crime is said to have occurred in broad daylight.

The enclosure is reportedly located near the entrance of a zoo. It is surrounded, but not locked from above. According to the spokesperson, all animals are said to be rabbits. At the hotel, there was initially no contact.

The police in Baden-Württemberg are intrigued by the level of criminality, as they search for the perpetrators responsible for the mysterious disappearance of 80 rabbits from a local enclosure in Breisgau. Despite no clear signs of escape or departure, the unusual curiosities surrounding the case have sparked the interest of many in the community. Witnesses with information about the incident, which allegedly occurred during daylight hours, are urged to contact the police.

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