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The minister draws a positive conclusion from EM border controls

Border controls, introduced for the Football European Championship, end on a Friday. Minister of the Interior Behrens considers this step meaningful.

The end of border controls for the European Championship is good for Niedersachsen's Interior...
The end of border controls for the European Championship is good for Niedersachsen's Interior Minister.

Migration - The minister draws a positive conclusion from EM border controls

Lower Saxony Interior Minister Daniela Behrens (SPD) draws a positive balance from the border controls introduced for the Football European Championship. "We had a very safe and great EM. The border controls certainly contributed to that," Behrens told the German Press Agency in Hanover. In Lower Saxony, the issue of migrations movements towards the Netherlands plays a secondary role in this regard, the Minister emphasized.

There were no significant entries through this border, Behrens said. "We have been working with the Netherlands for years in a well-functioning, cross-border police partnership," the Minister added. Furthermore, Behrens stated: "During the controls for the European Championship at the western borders, it was not only about other security-relevant aspects, but also about preventing the entry of known hooligans." The NDR reported on this as well.

Federal Interior Minister Nancy Faeser (SPD) had announced controls at all EU borders for the European Championship until Friday. However, there will be further temporary controls at the German borders with Austria, Switzerland, Czech Republic, and Poland.

Advance border controls for the Olympics

From Saturday on, there will be advance border controls at the German border with France. Federal Interior Minister Nancy Faeser (SPD) ordered border checks at the German land border and in air traffic to France and announced this on EU level. The measures are to apply until September 30, according to a spokesperson.

However, the two opposition factions CDU and AfD in the Lower Saxony parliament are calling for the continuation of border controls towards the Netherlands. "This cannot be waived at the moment," said CDU Interior Politician Uwe Schünemann to NDR. AfD Interior Politician Stephan Bothe said: "We consider border controls to the Netherlands to be very meaningful." Bothe emphasized that borders in the east are important, but all border controls should be expanded to stop organized crime such as drug trafficking or smuggler bands.

  1. The Football Europa Championships resulted in effective border controls being implemented in Germany, as highlighted by Lower Saxony's Interior Minister Daniela Behrens.
  2. Behrens commended the cooperation between Lower Saxony and the Netherlands in tackling criminality, mentioning their long-standing cross-border police partnership.
  3. During the European Championship, border controls in Lower Saxony were not just about security, but also aimed at preventing hooligan entry.
  4. The German Press Agency reported on the successful implementation of these border controls during the European Championship.
  5. In contrast, CDU and AfD in the Lower Saxony parliament propose continuing border controls towards the Netherlands, citing the need to combat organized crime.
  6. AfD Interior Politician Stephan Bothe expressed his belief in the importance of expanding border controls to halt drug trafficking and smuggler bands.
  7. The border controls at the German-Netherlands boundary were initially implemented for the European Championship, but their duration was later extended to September 30.
  8. Despite the success of these border controls in the context of major sports events like the European Championship, the debate over their necessity and impact continues in German politics.

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