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The kind person gets up and sits in the train

Great fright for a young mother - her little son runs away at the station and sits in a train. The journey has a happy ending.

A small boy is leaning out of a train station window (archive photo)
A small boy is leaning out of a train station window (archive photo)

District Reutlingen - The kind person gets up and sits in the train

A small boy got off at Metzingen station (District Reutlingen) and got on a train heading for Reutlingen. The six-year-old, who had been traveling with his 29-year-old mother, was noticed by other train passengers - they handed him over to the police in Reutlingen, as the officers reported. After the incident on Friday, the police took care of reuniting the child with his family as soon as possible, according to further information.

The train the boy boarded was bound for his mother's hometown of Reutlingen, located in Baden-Württemberg. The concerned passengers transferred the lost child to the local police station in Reutlingen. Upon learning about the situation, officials in Baden-Württemberg swiftly organized the child's return to his mother.

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