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The Diocese of Würzburg places more emphasis on pastoral care and charitable works

Membership decline, scandal of misuse, new social challenges - the church is in transition. The Diocese of Würzburg is therefore reorganizing itself further.

The Diocese of Würzburg pondered a new strategic direction for over a year (archive photo)
The Diocese of Würzburg pondered a new strategic direction for over a year (archive photo)

New strategy - The Diocese of Würzburg places more emphasis on pastoral care and charitable works

The Catholic Church in Unterfranken is focusing more on charitable actions and pastoral care. With a new strategy paper, the Diocese of Würzburg is bringing these two aspects to the forefront for the coming years.

"As a Church, we want to be present and approachable for the people where they seek our offers," said General Vicar Jürgen Vorndran. In addition, church members are to be involved more in decision-making through voluntary engagement. Reasons for the new orientation were, among other things, member loss, declining revenues, and impending personnel shortages.

Concrete action items are still being formulated

"This strategy paper is the result of the efforts of many people in the Diocese of Würzburg," said Bishop Frank Jung at the presentation. For several months, the diocesan leadership, various committees and professional groups from the diocese and Caritas, as well as individual parishioners, have worked on the realignment.

In June 2023, all parties had already agreed on new guidelines, which are now being concretized with strategic goals. Yet more specific operational targets, or action items, are expected by the end of July 2025.

For the Diocesan Council of Catholics in the Diocese of Würzburg, chairman Michael Wolf declared, the Diocesan Council will continue to "critically and constructively accompany the process" in the future. The strategy is to be regularly reviewed and, if necessary, adjusted.

Website for the new strategy [Website for the new strategy](

  1. The misuse scandal that recently rocked the Church in Bavaria's Würzburg diocese has highlighted the need for this renewed focus on charitable actions and pastoral care.
  2. The new strategy paper also aims to address the loss of members in the Diocese of Würzburg, located in Lower Franconia's Underfranken region.
  3. As part of the new approach, the Diocese of Würzburg plans to expand its counseling services to help mitigate issues contributing to member loss.
  4. The misuse scandal has led to a re-evaluation of the Diocese of Würzburg's role in the community, with a stronger emphasis on being responsible and transparent in its charitable and pastoral activities.
  5. The new strategy includes initiatives to engage more members in decision-making and volunteer work within the Diocese of Würzburg, in an effort to promote unity and prevent further member loss.

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