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The Bremer Town Musicians billed - Invoice to Activists

Climate activists drew attention to their cause with a black paint on the statue in Bremen's city center. Now, the fire department is demanding fees for cleaning.

The fire department has issued an invoice for the cleaning of the Bremen Town Musicians.
The fire department has issued an invoice for the cleaning of the Bremen Town Musicians.

Fire department fees required - The Bremer Town Musicians billed - Invoice to Activists

After the cleaning of the statue of the Bremen Town Musicians defiled by Climate Activists with paint, the Fire Department has issued a bill. The three involved individuals are supposed to pay fees of approximately 240 Euros, the Bremen Fire Department announced.

On July 5, Environmental Activists poured black paint over the Statue in the Bremen Inner City. The Police had initiated criminal proceedings for damage to property and violations of the Assembly Law against three persons who stood next to the Bremen Town Musicians with placards of the "Last Generation".

The Fire Department calculated the means of intervention and the personnel costs per hour. The bill in this case is relatively low because it only concerned a fire-fighting vehicle with the corresponding crew. In case of several dispatched vehicles due to deliberate or grossly negligent fire-fighting interventions, significantly higher fees would apply, it was stated.

The individuals facing criminal charges for defacing the Bremen Town Musicians statue with paint during a demonstration could potentially face similar fines in the future, given the Fire Department's strict policy towards such actions. The Bremen City Council, during their next meeting, discussed the need for harsher penalties to deter acts of criminality against historical landmarks. After the Fire Department's successful cleaning of the statue, local residents expressed their gratitude, hoping for a continued preservation of Bremen's cultural heritage.

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