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The association sees a large gap in teachers in the Free State

The number of students in Thuringian schools has significantly increased in the last ten years. Does the same apply to the number of female teachers and male teachers?

The head of the teachers' union, Tim Reukauf, complains that teachers are more heavily burdened now...
The head of the teachers' union, Tim Reukauf, complains that teachers are more heavily burdened now than they were ten years ago.

Schools - The association sees a large gap in teachers in the Free State

The Thuringian Teachers' Association laments a large gap in teachers at the schools in the Free State. According to the association, 967 vacant teaching positions were reported in the career portal of the state at the end of the summer holidays. That's 151 more than a year ago. "The signs point to a storm still brewing."

In the past ten years, the number of students in the Free State, according to school statistics, has increased by 17,320. The number of female and teachers decreased by 263 in the same period. There are also over 1,600 additional students with special educational needs since 2014, but only 18 additional special educational needs staff.

"This means that school inclusion is mainly being obstructed by teachers who are already overburdened due to the shortage," explained the state chairman Tim Reukauf.

The association demands from the outgoing and the new state government, among other things, a reduction of bureaucracy and assistants for administration at each school. In addition, additional tasks should be recognized through recognition hours.

The Teachers' Association in Thuringia, like its counterpart in the Free State, is concerned about a significant teacher shortage. Despite the increase of 17,320 students in the Free State over the past decade, the number of teachers has decreased by 263. Moreover, there's been a rise in students with special educational needs, now over 1,600, yet only 18 additional special education needs teachers have been hired.

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