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The 24 hours of RTL - the charity marathon begins!

"Nobody should grow up like this!"

Wayne Carpendale in Tanzania: "These and many more children deserve a secure future!"
Wayne Carpendale in Tanzania: "These and many more children deserve a secure future!"

The 24 hours of RTL - the charity marathon begins!

The 28th RTL telethon with Wolfram Kons starts at 6 pm, and the presenter is certain: "Together we can make a huge difference and help a lot of children!" You can help too. Please do.

The RTL telethon starts at 6 p.m. and we - no, the children of this world - are dependent on your help! "Donate like there's no tomorrow!", we would like to shout to our viewers and supporters, because - it feels like - there have never been so many disasters in the world at the same time. Maybe once upon a time, but we guarantee it's been a long time since they were all so close to us! And no, don't give us the shirt off your back(like Julian Nagelsmann), give us your attention, your compassion - alright, and a bit of money too!!! And take a look at the great projects and fantastic sponsors we have at the start.

Annika Lau: Women's shelters in Germany

Annika Lau met children who have experienced the unimaginable. In Germany.

During the RTL telethon on November 16 and 17, Annika Lau will call for donations and talk about her experiences in a women's shelter. She will then tell the stories of children who have been torn from their environment by the violence of their fathers - and how the staff at the women's shelter help the children to deal with their traumatic experiences. The donations collected will be used to enable and expand projects and support services for children and young people affected by violence in women's shelters. 432 acts of violence in partnerships were reported to the police every day last year. 80 percent of the victims were women.

More than 16,000 children and young people need protection in women's shelters every year. But by then they have experienced the worst at home, have had to watch their mothers being beaten and humiliated and have often experienced violence themselves. "What the children here need most now is attention. They no longer have a sheltered home. They have lost everything and now we have to be there for them," says Annika Lau, herself a mother of three. "Please make a donation!"

Wayne Carpendale: School in Arusha

When is he finally coming? The preschool children in Arusha, Tanzania, couldn't be more excited: with homemade signs and full of anticipation, they are waiting for Wayne Carpendale. He has traveled to Tanzania as a project sponsor of "RTL - Wir helfen Kindern". The actor and presenter wants as many children as possible to have the chance of a life without hunger, disease and poverty. "Education is the chance of a better life. The children want to go to school, they want to learn. We have to make sure now that they can do this in the best possible way! Because: "Only then will they have the chance of a better future!"

Carpendale wants to change this with the "School of the Future" project, which "RTL - Wir helfen Kindern" is supporting together with help alliance gGmbh, the aid organization of Lufthansa employees, and Mastercard. At the RTL telethon, the 46-year-old will talk about his trip to Tanzania: "I saw so many children in Tanzania who are enthusiastic about going to school. Every child deserves this chance of education. School is not just education - school means the future. That's why we want to build a new school. Please help us and donate!"

Riccardo Simonetti: Cambodia's street children

The laughter is almost deceptive: Riccardo Simonetti was extremely moved when he met the street children in Cambodia.

"Nobody should have to live like this - especially not children!" Riccardo Simonetti is visibly moved when he talks about the children who sell goods on the roadside late into the evening, alone or with their siblings, and who are not an unusual sight in Cambodia. "Seeing this with my own eyes shocks me. It stinks, there are razor blades and syringes on the ground and garbage everywhere. It's not a safe place for children," says the 30-year-old. Child poverty and child labor are omnipresent problems in the Southeast Asian country. Some children are only on the streets during the day, others are completely homeless. Some even live alone on the streets as they have lost contact with their families. The dangers of violence and exploitation lurk on the streets. Gang and drug-related crime are also widespread. Girls in particular are also at risk of sexual exploitation.

Riccardo Simonetti, the usually cheerful presenter, is shocked. He has traveled to Cambodia and is standing in a slum in Phnom Penh, between mountains of garbage and simple huts. Children sit, sleep and play there. Many are barefoot, some are sniffing glue, begging and distraught. Around 20,000 children, mostly between 10 and 14 years old, spend their lives on the streets. Abuse, hunger and violence are part of their everyday lives. And Phnom Penh is a rapidly growing city, the number of street children is constantly increasing.

"Many of these children here don't have a childhood, they have to support their families and work. For a few dollars a day, they stand on the street and sell small items - instead of going to school! We have to change that now," demands Simonetti, who has also visited an existing drop-in center for street children. In these shelters, they are safe, can learn, play and simply be children. But there is a huge need for more facilities. Riccardo Simonetti therefore appeals: "Here the children find what no one gives them on the street: Security. If you want the street children to continue to have a safe haven and people to look after them, please donate now!"

The lines will be open from 16.11.2023 from 18.00 to 17.11.2023 18.30

  • Hotline: Tel. 0180 2 2080 (6 ct. / call from all German networks, international calls may vary)
  • 10 Euro Charity-SMS: Send the password KINDER to 44844 (10 Euro /SMS + costs for SMS delivery if applicable)
  • Account details: Recipient: RTL Foundation Account: DE55 370 605 905 605 605 605, Sparda-Bank West, BIC: GENODED1SPK
  • Online donations:


