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Teo-Minimarkets in Hessen open again on Sundays

After the legislative change, the closure is in effect. Now, Tegut plans new locations.

On Sunday, all 'Teo' markets in Hessen can reopen. The reason is a legislative change.
On Sunday, all 'Teo' markets in Hessen can reopen. The reason is a legislative change.

Shopping on Sunday - Teo-Minimarkets in Hessen open again on Sundays

After the decision of the Landtag that fully automated sales outlets up to 120 square meters for consumer goods can open on Sundays and holidays, all "Teo" markets in Hessen will be open for customers again on this Sunday. This affects 25 markets of the company Tegut, which had to keep their doors closed on Sundays and holidays due to a court decision since January.

"We are happy that we can open again, and many of our customers are also looking forward to it," said Tegut spokesperson Matthias Pusch. The company received a lot of support during the Sunday closure. No special preparations were made for the reopening. Tegut expects a lot of customer interest, but does not expect a rush, he said.

Expansion plans are being pulled out of the drawer again

The Landtag had passed a legislative amendment approximately two weeks ago, paving the way for the Sunday and holiday opening of mini-markets that can operate without sales personnel. Only three "Teo" markets could open on Sundays according to the court ruling due to their location near train stations.

Due to the new development, Tegut plans to resume its expansion plans. Many talks with local representatives in Hessen about the opening of new "Teos" had been held before the court ruling. These will now be taken up again, said the company spokesperson. Concretely, planning for a mini-market in Marburg has already advanced and is expected to open at the end of this year.

Consumers in Hesse will be delighted to shop at Tegut's "Teo" markets on Sunday, as all 25 of them will reopen due to the recent Landtag decision. After the legislative amendment, Tegut plans to revive its expansion plans in Hesse, having had several conversations with local representatives about opening new "Teos" before the court ruling.

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