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Ten years imprisonment demanded for fatal stabbing

Two young men got into an argument at an apartment door. The younger one leaves, but then he is attacked with a knife and dies a little later. A plea was made in the trial.

The prosecution has demanded ten years of imprisonment for the fatal stabbing of a 17-year-old.
The prosecution has demanded ten years of imprisonment for the fatal stabbing of a 17-year-old.

Manslaughter trial - Ten years imprisonment demanded for fatal stabbing

In the trial for a fatal stabbing of a teenager in front of a house in Hamburg-Billstedt, the public prosecutor has demanded a ten-year prison sentence for the 24-year-old defendant. The Hamburg Regional Court confirmed this in response to an inquiry. The defendant apologized for the act on the first day of the trial and is charged with manslaughter. The defense will present their plea on Monday, a verdict is planned for Wednesday.

The man with Italian citizenship is accused of attacking the 17-year-old after an argument with a pocket knife. According to the indictment, the young Afghan wanted to pick up a 14-year-old friend from an apartment on January 25th. However, the defendant denied him entry, which led to the altercation.

Stabbing without warning

The 17-year-old left the house a short time later with several other people. On the courtyard of the multi-family house, the defendant allegedly stabbed the teenager without warning, causing life-threatening injuries. The injured person tried to flee but tripped and fell. The defendant is said to have then kicked the teenager lying on the ground and stabbed him again. The 17-year-old died a few hours later in the hospital. The entire incident was recorded by a surveillance camera, according to the defense.

  1. The public Prosecutor's Office in Hamburg is currently overseeing the process of a defendant who allegedly committed a cutting stroke with a pocket knife, resulting in fatal injuries.
  2. The men involved in the incident, including the defendant with Italian citizenship and the 17-year-old victim, were engaged in an argument that escalated into criminality.
  3. During the trial, the defense will argue that the surveillance camera footage shows the defendant's cutting stroke without warning, leading to the fatal incident.

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