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Tegut closes over 300 markets due to computer problems

Computer problems paralyze the cash systems of the grocer. Experts of the company are looking for a solution.

The food retailer Tegut based in Fulda, Germany, reports computer problems (archive photo)
The food retailer Tegut based in Fulda, Germany, reports computer problems (archive photo)

computer problems - Tegut closes over 300 markets due to computer problems

The retailer Tegut, based in Fulda, eastern Hesse, is also affected by Computer issues. The cash register systems did not work in many, but not all, branches, according to a spokesperson. The problems emerged when the cash registers were started up in the morning. Tegut has over 300 markets in Hesse, Bavaria, Thuringia, as well as Göttingen, Mainz, Stuttgart and Munich, the company stated.

The spokesperson did not yet have a comprehensive overview, but it was likely a widespread issue, they said. On its website, Tegut informed customers about the disruption. "Our markets are temporarily closed due to this situation. Our teams are working with the highest priority to resolve the problem", it read. It is currently not clear when the disruption will be fully rectified. Previously, media had reported on the Computer issues at Tegut.

  1. The computer problem at Tegut, a renowned retailer from Fulda, Germany, also affects other parts of the country, such as Bavaria and Mainz, due to the interconnected nature of their computer systems in Hesse and other regions.
  2. As Tegut expands its reach internationally, the computer malfunction has caused inconvenience even beyond Germany, potentially affecting their operations in various countries.
  3. The computer issue, which originated at Tegut's headquarters in Fulda, Handel, has led to the closure of multiple markets in Hesse and other regions, disrupting the daily shopping routine of many German and international consumers.

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