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Technical relief organization concerned about softened dikes

Gawkers obstruct fire departments

Volunteers from the THW and the DLRG fortify a dyke in Hodenhagen, Lower
Volunteers from the THW and the DLRG fortify a dyke in Hodenhagen, Lower

Technical relief organization concerned about softened dikes

The floods are still keeping Lower Saxony on tenterhooks. The Federal Agency for Technical Relief is on the move with hundreds of emergency personnel and does not expect the water levels to fall quickly. They are particularly concerned about the condition of the dykes. The fire department is complaining about disruptive "flood tourism".

The flood situation remains critical in many parts of Lower Saxony. At some gauges on the Weser, the water levels are still above the highest reporting level, according to a situation report issued by the State Agency for Water Management, Coastal Defence and Nature Conservation (NLWKN) this morning. There is a warning of major flooding for the Leine, Aller and Upper and Middle Weser.

The Federal Agency for Technical Relief (THW) is preparing to work in the flood areas into the first week of January. "It's very clear that this will continue over the turn of the year," said THW President Sabine Lackner. "What worries us most is the condition of the dykes." They are softened. Around 1,000 emergency personnel are on the move in the affected areas every day.

According to the State Agency for Water Management, Coastal Defence and Nature Conservation, the peak water levels have already been reached between Hannoversch Münden and Intschede and the water levels are falling. In many places, the water level is showing a steady trend, while in Schladen the water level of the Oker has reportedly risen by several centimetres.

A spokeswoman for the situation center announced in the morning that the overall flood situation was stagnating, but that there had been no particular incidents during the night. The police situation centers in Lower Saxony also reported a relatively calm night. Some spokespersons, such as those from the Göttingen situation center, spoke of the situation easing. It had remained dry, so it was assumed that the situation would calm down and water levels would fall.

Situation could worsen again

According to estimates by the State Agency for Water Management, Coastal Defence and Nature Conservation, however, the water levels downstream of the Weser will continue to rise. It is therefore not yet possible to speak of an easing of the situation, particularly in the lower reaches of the Middle Weser. In view of the expected rain, Interior Minister Daniela Behrens from the SPD expects the flood situation to worsen in some regions in the coming days, as she said on Deutschlandfunk radio.

Meanwhile, the flood waters of the Elbe continue to recede in Saxony. A water level of 5.30 meters was measured at the Dresden gauge in the morning, according to an overview from the state flood center. A day earlier it had been 5.92 meters. Normal is around 2 meters. In the state capital, as well as in Schöna on the Czech border and downstream in Riesa, the alert level was still 2. Hydrologists expect water levels to continue to fall. There were no more flood warnings for the other river basins in Saxony.

As ntv meteorologist Björn Alexander explains, the showers will subside on Saturday and a few windows of sunshine will open up temporarily. "But unfortunately the improvement in the weather won't last too long. New rain clouds are already spreading from the west on a very windy New Year's Eve with similar temperatures."

Disaster tourists cause problems

Meanwhile, the city of Celle appealed to people to take closures seriously and only travel to the city if absolutely necessary. "Growing 'flood tourism' and traffic are preventing emergency services from getting through in many places." The Verden fire department also reported disruptive disaster tourists. The district of Osterholz also fears that there will be many onlookers in the flood area on New Year's Eve.

Numerous districts once again appealed not to enter the dykes, as they are softened and could be damaged. In Oldenburg, there is a ban on entering dykes, which is punishable by a fine of up to 5000 euros.

Further rail restrictions in the northwest

Due to the weather and the floods, rail travelers must be prepared for delays and line closures for longer than planned. The connection between Oldenburg and Osnabrück is still restricted due to the flooding, said a spokeswoman for Nordwestbahn on Friday.

Meanwhile, the water levels at the reservoirs in the Harz Mountains continue to fall. No more water is currently being released via the emergency overflow, as a spokesperson for the Harz waterworks said on Friday. However, the situation is still tense as there is still too much water in the reservoirs. The Harz waterworks are hoping for dry weather so that they can continue to drain the reservoirs and thus ensure flood protection.

Read also:

  1. Björn Alexander, the ntv meteorologist, predicted that the showers will subside on Saturday, but new rain clouds will arrive on New Year's Eve with similar temperatures.
  2. The fire department in Verden is dealing with disruptive "flood tourism," as people flock to the flood areas despite warnings and closures.
  3. The Federal Agency for Technical Relief (THW) is particularly concerned about the softened condition of the dykes in Lower Saxony, which are at risk of further damage due to the ongoing flooding and potential future weather events.




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