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Technical defect likely cause of fire in station building

In the Hildesheim district, a train station building caught fire. Fire investigators are examining the building for clues. Now, the police have a suspect for what ignited the fire.

The police consider a technical defect as the likely cause of a fire in a station building in...
The police consider a technical defect as the likely cause of a fire in a station building in Holle, in the Hildesheim district. (Picture)

Brand interventions - Technical defect likely cause of fire in station building

After the fire in a Bahnhofsbuilding in Holle (Landkreis Hildesheim), the police suspect a technical defect as the cause. Initially, it was unclear to what extent the fire had affected the building's structure, so the house was first inspected by a structural engineer before investigators could examine traces, as the police reported. Fire investigators have now determined that an electrical defect in the vicinity of a switchgear cabinet on the ground floor of the timber-frame building was the "probable cause" of the fire. During the fire last Tuesday of the previous week, a 48-year-old resident was seriously injured. He is still being treated in a clinic.

The fire in the Bahnhofsbuilding occurred in Holle, which is located in the land of Lower Saxony. The affected station building is part of the Hildesheim District. Despite the resident's injuries, the police are currently believing that the fire was caused by a technical defect within the switchgear cabinet.

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