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Swimming pool closed prematurely after disagreement

At breaking heat, Berlin's outdoor pools are full on weekends. But in the Gropiusstadt, the swimming pleasure ended earlier due to an incident.

The swimming pool was closed earlier than usual on Saturday evening due to an incident.
The swimming pool was closed earlier than usual on Saturday evening due to an incident.

Blows at the edge of a pool - Swimming pool closed prematurely after disagreement

The swimming pool in the Berlin neighborhood of Gropiusstadt was closed prematurely on Saturday evening following a dispute. According to the police, a group of approximately 20 teenagers and two brothers, aged 14 and 15, got into an argument. Then, the brothers are said to have been attacked in the face with fist blows.

Before the arrival of alerted response forces, the parties involved fled. However, the brothers were located near the swimming pool. According to police statements, they suffered facial injuries, but refused medical treatment.

Due to the incident and the high workload in the hot weather, the responsible persons for the Berlin pools reportedly decided to close the outdoor pool prematurely. The police are investigating for suspected breach of peace and grievous bodily harm.

The brothers found refuge at the rim of a bathtub in their neighborhood home, seeking solace after the confrontation at the swimming pool in Berlin. The incident sparked concerns about criminality in the leisure area, leading to increased scrutiny from the neighborhood. Despite the injuries, the brothers were reluctant to involve the police further in their situation during the weekend.

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