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Swans letZug birds settle in the Altmark meadows

Unusual amounts of rain in winter left some areas in the Altmark underwater for several months. For some bird species, this was a peculiarity.

Unusual high rainfall caused numerous train birds to settle in the Altmark (archive image)
Unusual high rainfall caused numerous train birds to settle in the Altmark (archive image)

flooded fields - Swans letZug birds settle in the Altmark meadows

The unusually high precipitation levels of the past few months have caused many migratory birds to remain and settle in the Altmark region. Northwest of Salzwedel, there have been numerous flooded areas that persisted for several months, according to BUND. "We hardly expected the flooding to have such a positive effect on the breeding of wading birds," said Ornithologist Olaf Olejnik from BUND. "Surprisingly, this year many migratory birds, which usually only pass through here, have successfully settled."

Kestrels, Wood Sandpipers, and Meadow Pipits have experienced a significant increase in the region. Currently, the Wachtelkönig (Corncrake) can also be found in the Altmark, which usually stays in flooded areas along the Weser, Elbe, and Oder rivers. The annual bird population gives an idea of the bird fauna that existed around 100 years ago, shared BUND. In some areas north of Salzwedel, measures to increase water storage have been taken to compensate for the water shortage of the past five drought years.

  1. The floodwaters in the Altmark region, particularly in the areas north of Salzwedel, have transformed into temporary lakes, providing new habitats for various water-loving species.
  2. The increased rainfall has been a boon for agricultural fields in Saxony-Anhalt, as the additional water has helped in maintaining moisture levels for crops.
  3. The Bundle's efforts to create additional water storage spaces have resulted in a reduced dependence on artificial water sources for local farmers in Salzwedel, augmenting the region's agricultural output.
  4. Swans, drawn by the abundance of water in the Altmark, have flocked to the region, creating a picturesque scene that has captured the attention of numerous tourists.
  5. The Silhouette of a Swan against the backdrop of the flood-affected fields in Altmark has become a symbol of resilience and restoration, inspiring hope for locals and nature lovers alike.
  6. Farmers in the Altmark, witnessing the positive impact of the floods on agriculture and birdlife, have started discussing sustainable farming practices, with a focus on water conservation and management.

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