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Suspended OB Wiegand intends to retire

The mayor of Halle has not been able to exercise his office for years. Now he intends to retire early. The city is already preparing new elections.

Halles suspended Mayor Wiegand is retiring at the end of August (archive photo)
Halles suspended Mayor Wiegand is retiring at the end of August (archive photo)

Municipalities - Suspended OB Wiegand intends to retire

In Halle, a premature mayor election could take place next. The reason being, that the suspended mayor Bernd Wiegand has applied for retirement from September, as a city spokesperson announced. His term was supposed to run until 2026. Previously, the "Bild" newspaper had reported on this.

Since it concerns a personnel matter, the city council will decide on Wiegand's application in a non-public session, it was stated. The city is preparing new elections. Wiegand commented on this initially without responding.

Since the beginning of 2021, a disciplinary proceeding has been conducted against the party-less politician. He may no longer perform his official duties and must instead answer for a multitude of accusations.

For instance, Wiegand was sentenced to a fine of 16,800 Euro by the Halle Regional Court in April of this year for perjury. A revision has been filed against him.

The city council is scheduled to deliberate on Bernd Wiegand's retirement application in a private session, given the personal nature of the matter. The upcoming mayor election in Halle might be expedited due to Wiegand's anticipated retirement from September. Despite the disciplinary proceeding and the sentencing for perjury, Saxony-Anhalt's commune has to cope with the prospect of new elections following Wiegand's retirement.

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