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Suspected double murder of sons - mother remains silent

The public prosecutor's office accuses the 44-year-old of treacherous murder. The main question is whether the defendant has diminished capacity.

The defendant waits in Mannheim District Court for the start of the trial.
The defendant waits in Mannheim District Court for the start of the trial.

Process - Suspected double murder of sons - mother remains silent

A 44-year-old woman is on trial at Mannheim District Court for the alleged murder of her two children. The mother allegedly drugged her seven and nine-year-old sons on Holy Saturday in Hockenheim near Heidelberg and then suffocated them. At the start of the trial, the accused initially did not provide any details.

The public prosecutor's office accuses the woman of treacherous murder in both cases. According to the information provided, the German woman, who was 43 years old when the crime was committed, has a personality disorder as a result of brain damage. She was convinced that the father was abusing the two children and saw them at risk from her ex-husband. One way out was to kill them.

The children had been living with their father, from whom their mother was separated, most of the time since 2020. They were supposed to stay with their mother during the Easter vacations.

The accused is said to have sedated the boys with various medications. According to the public prosecutor, she then suffocated her children and inflicted wounds on their heads. According to the prosecution, she wrote an email to the police in which she confessed to a "terrible" crime. The main question now is whether the accused was of diminished capacity. The court has scheduled five further hearings until January 8.

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