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Survey: Attractive work models in nursing needed

In care, there is a great need for personnel. Some federal states like Saxony are even actively seeking specialists abroad. Measures could already help this, according to a survey.

Dresden: Employees also desire more attractive working hours for care services (archive image)
Dresden: Employees also desire more attractive working hours for care services (archive image)

Care Professions - Survey: Attractive work models in nursing needed

Attractive work models in the Nursing sector, according to a survey by the Techniker Krankenkasse (TK), could help alleviate the shortage of personnel. According to the TK, 93 percent of the interviewees believed that this could lead to an increase in the number of nursing staff. Health promotional offers for employees at the workplace and better pay were also seen as meaningful measures to attract more people to a nursing career. These two points were agreed upon by 92 percent of the interviewees.

"We must definitely increase the attractiveness of Nursing Professions," said Alexander Kruss, head of the TK regional representation in Saxony. "The structures and professional perspectives in nursing must be better designed to address its challenges. All stakeholders must pull together. Above all, the younger generation is calling for attractive work models," Kruss explained.

The TK supports nursing-dependent individuals, relatives, and employees with targeted offers to help them cope with the nursing daily life - for example, in terms of work organization, stress management, or mobility. Relief is also expected through digitalization. "Exactly because the private life of many people is becoming increasingly digital, the professional and nursing daily life must also become digital," it was stated. 82 percent of the interviewees see the use of digital technologies to facilitate work as an opportunity to get more personnel.

60 nursing professionals from Brazil

70 percent of the interviewees were in favor of recruiting foreign nursing professionals for nursing in Saxony. Image and advertising campaigns for the profession, however, were only considered suitable by every second interviewee (48 percent). In terms of nursing personnel from abroad, the Free State is already active. Social Minister Petra Kopping (SPD) had traveled to Brazil for this reason in the past winter. As a result, 60 women and men from the South American country are expected to come to Saxony as nursing professionals.

For the representative telephone survey on behalf of the Techniker Krankenkasse, the Meinungsforschungsinstitut Forsa interviewed 1,002 people aged 18 and over in June.

  1. The Care Professionals in Dresden, as well as across Saxony, could benefit from more attractive work models, according to a survey conducted by the Techniker Krankenkasse (TK).
  2. Improving the structures and professional perspectives in the Care Professions, as suggested by Alexander Kruss, head of the TK regional representation in Saxony, could help address the challenges facing these fields.
  3. The TK supports individuals, relatives, and employees in the Care sector with digital tools and resources to help manage the daily stresses of the job, such as work organization, stress management, and mobility.
  4. Considering the potential benefits of digital technologies, 82% of the survey respondents agreed that they could provide opportunities to attract more personnel to the Care Professions in Saxony.
  5. The survey, conducted by Meinungsforschungsinstitut Forsa on behalf of the TK, involved interviewing 1,002 individuals aged 18 and over in June, with 70% of the respondents supportive of recruiting foreign nursing professionals to address the shortage in Saxony.

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