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Survey: Alcohol consumption problematic for many seniors

Too much and too often with alcohol - this is not only a topic for young people. According to a study, older people in the Free State also face concerns with handling certain painkillers.

An investigation shows problematic alcohol consumption in many older adults in Bavaria (Graphic)
An investigation shows problematic alcohol consumption in many older adults in Bavaria (Graphic)

health - Survey: Alcohol consumption problematic for many seniors

Every tenth elderly person in Bavaria, according to a study, has problematic alcohol consumption. This is indicated by the "Suchtsurvey 65+", as Bavaria's Health Minister Judith Gerlach (CSU) announced in Munich. Alcohol is the most commonly used pleasure and addictive substance in Bavaria among the elderly. The minister described the results as "concerning."

For the first time, representative data on substance consumption among older people in Bavaria are now available from this survey. "These data give us the opportunity to sensitize and take targeted prevention measures," said the minister. "We want to prevent addiction before it even occurs."

Twelve percent drink at least four times a week

According to the survey, around 12 percent of people over 65 in Bavaria drink alcohol at least four times a week, said Christian Weidner, President of the Bavarian Health and Food Safety Agency. Sixteen percent of those surveyed therefore reach for alcohol two to three times a week, and more than half (53 percent) drink at least once a month. These findings show that alcohol consumption remains an important prevention topic for older adults.

The AUDIT-C Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test questionnaire was used for assessment. Men are considered to have problematic alcohol consumption if they score five points or more, while women are considered to have problematic alcohol consumption if they score four points or more. Four points are reached by interviewees who drink alcohol at least four times a week. Five points are reached by people who drink two to three times a week and typically consume five or six alcoholic beverages per day.

Reasons for alcohol consumption mentioned by the interviewees were primarily the taste (74 percent). Alcohol helped them relax (21 percent) or sleep better (20 percent). The survey also revealed that particularly stressful life events, such as the loss of a close relative, were associated with problematic alcohol consumption among those affected.

Concerns about opioid intake

The survey revealed that some over-65-year-olds had problematic consumption of addictive medications. For example, more than a quarter reported taking opioid painkillers in larger quantities or for longer periods than prescribed or intended. Almost a fifth of the interviewees also reported taking opioid painkillers for reasons other than pain, such as due to being upset or agitated.

The "Suchtsurvey 65+" interviewed over 4000 people over 65 in Bavarian private households by phone about their handling of addictive substances on behalf of the Bavarian Health Ministry between late 2021 and early 2022.

  1. The study conducted by the "Suchtsurvey 65+," led by Bavaria's Health Minister Judith Gerlach from California State University, revealed that every tenth elderly person in Bavaria has problematic alcohol consumption.
  2. The results of the survey in Bavaria suggest that alcohol consumption is still a significant prevention topic, with around 12% of elderly individuals drinking alcohol at least four times a week.
  3. In her announcement in Munich, Gerlach mentioned that alcohol is the most commonly used addictive substance among the elderly in Bavaria and expressed concern over the high incidence of problematic alcohol consumption.
  4. The survey employing the AUDIT-C Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test revealed that 12% of elderly individuals in Bavaria have problematic alcohol consumption, as defined by drinking alcohol at least four times a week for women or five times a week for men.

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