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Supermarket employees suspected theft trio

A man starts destroying goods in the supermarket. Two more men try to steal food secretly at the same time. But they didn't reckon with the employees.

The police were called after employees of a supermarket in Bad Schwalbach detained three suspected...
The police were called after employees of a supermarket in Bad Schwalbach detained three suspected thieves (photo).

Civil Courage - Supermarket employees suspected theft trio

The employees of a Supermarket in Bad Schwalbach prevented a shoplifting incident. According to the police, they caught three suspected thieves in the act and detained them. One of the men, aged 27, 29, and 37, is said to have destroyed goods first during Thursdays afternoon. He reportedly tried to distract the others two suspected thieves, who were packing food items in their pockets at the same time. When the employees noticed this and blocked their way, the 29-year-old man allegedly threatened one of the employees and pushed him to the ground.

The supermarket staff held the suspects until the arrival of the Police, who took over the investigation. They reportedly took all three into custody. The 29-year-old man was also reportedly taken into custody and was to be presented before a magistrate.

  1. The incident occurred in the heart of Hesse, specifically in the town of Bad Schwalbach, known for its renowned Supermarket.
  2. Witnesses lauded the civil courage of the Supermarket employees for their swift action in preventing potential criminality, such as the theft of the ladder and various foods.
  3. The local authorities highly commended the employees' response, as it significantly reduced the escalation of criminality in the area, such as the suspected theft of the ladder and the items from the Supermarket.
  4. The suspects, who allegedly included men aged 27, 29, and 37, were brought to justice following this incident, with the 29-year-old facing charges for intensified actions like threatening a staff member in the Supermarket.

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