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Submissions in the office reflect the change in technology

Key lost, wallet misplaced, phone left behind? Many everyday items are turned in at lost and found - sometimes there's something unusual among them. What does the lost casket contain?

Many everyday items are in the shelves of archives - but also curious things.
Many everyday items are in the shelves of archives - but also curious things.

Lost and Found - Submissions in the office reflect the change in technology

Thousands of items land in Hessens Lost and Found bureaus annually, and many find their way back to their owners. After a significant decline during the Corona-Pandemic lockdown periods, the numbers have recently risen again, according to a dpa survey. The most frequently lost items are IDs, keys, and wallets. In addition, many electronic devices and bicycles end up in the Lost and Found bureaus.

Technological Change in Lost Items

The technological progress can be seen in the composition of the lost items, explained a spokesperson from Wiesbaden. "For example, there is a shift in the types of bicycles regarding the increase of e-bikes or e-scooters." Moreover, more smartphones and in-ear headphones are being handed in. Cameras, older touch phones, and MP3 players, on the other hand, are found much less frequently in the Lost and Found bureaus.

Jesus Statue and Gold Bars found

In Wiesbaden, there was a significant decrease in lost items during the Corona-Pandemic to around 2300 items per year (2021). However, the city now receives approximately 3500 items annually, as the spokesperson further reports. Among the most extraordinary finds in previous years were a wooden Jesus Statue, a Maserati car key, and a small gold bar. In the Corona-Pandemic, besides passports, many hearing aids were also handed in, which were lost while putting on masks.

Sometimes tears flow

An especially extraordinary correspondence concerned a small plush toy that had accompanied the adult loser since her childhood as a lucky charm. The woman's very loving and vivid writing style had brought smiles to everyone, according to the city spokesperson. "During pick-up, the joy on both sides was enormous, and it caused some happy tears from the picker-upper."

A forgotten (empty) coffin ends up in the Lost and Found

Based on experiences from the Lost and Found office in Frankfurt, major sports events like the Superbowl 2023 significantly increase the number of lost items. However, the Football-EM 2024 did not show a noticeable increase, as a spokeswoman for the city reports. A very curious find was made some time ago: A funeral director had forgotten an empty coffin on the street. The most frequently lost items in Frankfurt's Lost and Found office are keys, smartphones, and backpacks. Tendentially, more electronics end up in the shelves than before, including smartphones, smartwatches, and Bluetooth speakers.

Who is missing their cello?

The fall numbers in Kassel have risen significantly since 2021, from around 4200 to over 5300 in the previous year, as a city spokesperson reports. Among the most extraordinary finds were a kayak, an inflatable boat, a cello, and a drone. The city of Kassel sent some lost items to visitors of the World Exhibition documenta in other countries in 2022. "For example, smartphones were returned to their owners through consulates or relatives in Japan or the USA."

An old backpack with valuable contents

The number of lost items in Darmstadt has also increased since the Corona-Pandemic - from 1240 in 2021 to 1533 in the previous year. Among the curious items was an old, tattered backpack. "It contained, among other things, a set of teeth and some small real gold bars," reported a city spokesperson. The owner of the backpack was identified, and he could also provide proof of purchase for the gold.

Citizens can search for items digitally

The search for lost items has become simpler and more overview-friendly due to digitalization, reports the speaker. "Citizens have the opportunity to research the offer on the website themselves. Calls and appointments can therefore be reduced." However, many older people and people with a migration background still come personally to the Darmstadt Lost and Found office or call.

Many electronic items at the airport

Even at the largest German airport in Frankfurt, there is a Lost and Found office. "In general, it can be said that the occurrence of lost items roughly corresponds to the passenger traffic at Frankfurt Airport," explains a spokesperson for the airline Lufthansa. Among the most frequently lost items are smartphones, tablets, laptops, and headphones. Lost items are stored in international air transport for three months. If they cannot be assigned within this time or if the owner does not want them back, they are auctioned off.

  1. Despite a decline during the Coronavirus pandemic, lost items in Frankfurt's Lost and Found office have gradually increased, with many electronic devices such as MP3 players and headphones being handed in.
  2. In the commune of Kassel, a cello and a drone were among the unusual items found, highlighting the variety of items that frequently end up in lost and found offices.
  3. As technological changes continue, the types of bicycles lost and found in Lost and Found bureaus have shifted, with e-bikes and e-scooters becoming more common.
  4. In Wiesbaden, lost items, including smartphones and in-ear headphones, have seen an increase, making digitalization essential for efficiently searching for lost items on websites.
  5. Hesse's File Office in Kassel sent lost smartphones to their owners in Japan and the USA through consulates or relatives, demonstrating the global reach of lost and found services.
  6. In Darmstadt, an old backpack containing valuable items such as teeth and small gold bars was found, underscoring the importance of checking lost items thoroughly before discarding them.
  7. Lufthansa's Lost and Found office at Frankfurt Airport receives many electronic items, including smartphones, tablets, laptops, and headphones, reflecting the trend of traveling with digital devices.

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