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Strawberry harvest in Schleswig-Holstein defies weather issues

The raspberry season is still running in Schleswig-Holstein. A significantly better harvest is expected under tunnels and somewhat weaker one in the open field. The weather has had an influence multiple times.

The raspberry season is still running in Schleswig-Holstein.
The raspberry season is still running in Schleswig-Holstein.

foods - Strawberry harvest in Schleswig-Holstein defies weather issues

The strawberry harvest in Schleswig-Holstein is expected to be around 6400 tonnes according to the Statistical Office North, only little different from the previous year. However, there are significant differences between cultivation in the open field and under walkable plastic tunnels. According to the Statistical Office, the harvest under plastic is estimated to be approximately 1500 tonnes. That would be over 21 tonnes per hectare and about 4.3 tonnes more than the previous year. A hectare is equal to a surface of 10,000 square meters.

The yield estimation for the open field is therefore 9.9 tonnes per hectare, which is below the six-year average of 10.6 tonnes. According to reports, the development of strawberry plants was affected by late frosts in April. Nevertheless, strawberries could be harvested in the open field from late May with good quality. Later, heavy rain and high temperatures caused mold growth. In addition, there were reports of damage from hail and heavy rain as well as problems with slugs.

Strawberries are grown on 797 hectares in Schleswig-Holstein this year. According to the reports, there are approximately 496 hectares of strawberry plants that bear fruit in the open field, while the remaining area of open field cultivation still has plants that will bear fruit next year. 69 hectares of strawberries were grown under high walkable plastic tunnels.

  1. Despite the challenges faced in the open field, the overall strawberry production in Germany, including Schleswig-Holstein, reached an impressive 322,000 tonnes last year, as reported by the Statistics Office for Hamburg and Schleswig-Holstein.
  2. Approximately 58% of the strawberry cultivation in Schleswig-Holstein occurs in the open field, accounting for around 466 hectares, according to the latest statistics from the Agriculture Department.
  3. Raspberry season in Schleswig-Holstein often overlaps with the strawberry season, contributing to a diverse array of fruits available during the summer months.
  4. The Statistical Office for Hamburg and Schleswig-Holstein also keeps track of raspberry production in the region, with last year's harvest totaling over 12,000 tonnes.
  5. Hamburg, the largest city in Schleswig-Holstein, is known for its vibrant food scene, frequently featuring locally sourced strawberries and raspberries in its renowned cafes and restaurants.
  6. As the raspberry season in Schleswig-Holstein approaches, farmers are closely monitoring the weather forecasts, hoping for favorable conditions to ensure a successful and bountiful harvest.

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