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Storm surge expected in the North Sea and Elbe

The windy weather and the high tide in the North Sea have already caused flooded shores during the night. But things are likely to get worse around midday. Experts are warning of a storm surge.

The water of the Elbe flooded the Hamburg fish market during the night..Bodo Marks/dpa
The water of the Elbe flooded the Hamburg fish market during the night..Bodo Marks/dpa

Storm surge expected in the North Sea and Elbe

In Hamburg and on the North Sea coast, a storm surge pushed a lot of water onto land and coasts on Friday night. In Hamburg, the Elbe rose to 3.62 meters above sea level, according to the Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency (BSH). As a result, the Hamburg fish market was also flooded.

There is likely to be significantly more water in the midday hours, when the BSH expects water levels of 3.87 to 4.37 meters. According to the information, this corresponds to around 1.75 to 2.25 meters above mean high water. Accordingly, the BSH warned of a storm surge in the Weser and Elbe regions as well as on the German North Sea coast.

Due to the storm warning and the high tide, some ferries between the North Sea islands and the mainland were canceled or delayed on Friday, as the Wyker Dampfschiffs-Reederei announced on its website.


