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Storm "Gerrit" sweeps across Great Britain

Train connections are canceled, flights are canceled: Storm "Gerrit" is wreaking havoc, especially in Scotland.

Damaged houses in Manchester after a suspected tornado tore off roofs and caused walls to
Damaged houses in Manchester after a suspected tornado tore off roofs and caused walls to collapse.

Storm - Storm "Gerrit" sweeps across Great Britain

A suspected tornado has caused extensive damage in Greater Manchester. Around 100 buildings were damaged on Thursday night, the PA news agency reported. The British weather service Met Office did not want to confirm in the morning whether it was a tornado, but said it was likely. Pictures in the British media showed some houses with their roofs covered.

Storm "Gerrit" also caused damage in other parts of the UK, bringing snow, wind and rain, some of which led to severe traffic disruption. Scotland was particularly badly affected. Thousands of households were temporarily without power. A number of train services were canceled and some routes were completely closed. Flights were also canceled at London's Heathrow Airport due to the storm.


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