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States concerned about financing of school digitalization

Due to the budget planning of the federal government, the cultural ministries of Bavaria and Baden-Württemberg express concerns about the funding of school digitalization. They demand clarity.

The Culture ministries of Bavaria and Baden-Württemberg are concerned about the funding of the...
The Culture ministries of Bavaria and Baden-Württemberg are concerned about the funding of the digitalization of schools.

Bavaria and Baden-Wuerttemberg - States concerned about financing of school digitalization

The Bavarian and Baden-Württemberg Culture Ministeries express concern over the financing of school digitalization in light of the ongoing dispute over the Digitalpact Schule. "The current budget proposal for 2025 even raises fears that no further funds will be provided," said Bavarian Culture Minister Anna Stolz (Free Voters) to the newspapers of the Bayern Media Group (Friday).

The federal states recently urged the Federal Government in a resolution to conclude the necessary administrative agreement for a Digitalpact 2.0 as soon as possible.

The Federal Government contributed 6.5 billion Euros to the first Digitalpact since 2019. With this, it financed about 90% of the expenses for school digitalization, such as laptops and digital boards. The remaining 10% were covered by the states and municipalities. However, the Federal Government now wants a 50/50 financing, as it was previously called.

Doubts about the Federal Budget 2025

The fact that the negotiations have been running for 18 months is hardly acceptable, said Stolz. "From our side, we have once again turned to Federal Minister of Culture and Media Monja Leßing (CDU) via the Culture Ministers' Conference to clarify matters and restore trust in the negotiations." The Federal Government is delaying these and building hurdles.

According to the Baden-Württemberg Culture Ministry, the current focus is on ensuring that the Federal Government fulfills its promise for a Digitalpact 2.0. The current numbers regarding the Federal Budget 2025 raise legitimate doubts, the Ministry shared with the Mediengruppe Bayern.

  1. Bavaria and Baden-Württemberg, both known for their rich cultural heritage, have expressed concerns about the financing of digitalization in schools, specifically in relation to the ongoing disagreement over the Digitalpact Schule.
  2. The dispute over the Digitalpact Schule has led to concerns that funding for future school digitalization may not be secured, as indicated in the budget proposal for 2025 by the Federal Government.
  3. Bavarian Culture Minister Anna Stolz, affiliated with the Free Voters party, expressed these concerns to the Bayern Media Group, highlighting her fear that no additional funds will be allocated.
  4. The Federal Government has contributed significant funds to the initial Digitalpact, providing nearly 90% of the expenses for digital equipment such as laptops and digital boards.
  5. However, the Federal Government is now seeking a 50/50 financing arrangement, a shift from its previous role where states and municipalities covered the remaining 10% of the costs.
  6. Stuttgart's Cultus Minister, representing Baden-Württemberg, has shared doubts about the Federal Budget 2025 with Mediengruppe Bayern, expressing concerns that the Federal Government may not fulfill its promise for a Digitalpact 2.0.
  7. Munich, home to the Bavarian government, joins the chorus of concerns, expressing frustration at the 18-month-long negotiations between the involved parties, suggesting a lack of urgency and potential obstacles from the Federal Government.

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