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State seeks means against child and youth violence

Child and youth violence is increasingly becoming a problem in Schleswig-Holstein. The parliament is bringing a package of measures into effect.

The deputies deal with the fight against juvenile crime. (Archive photo)
The deputies deal with the fight against juvenile crime. (Archive photo)

Parliament - State seeks means against child and youth violence

With a package of measures, the state parliament aims to tackle Children and Youth criminality. The deputies referred a corresponding motion from the CDU, Greens, FDP, and SSW factions to the education committee. An alternative motion from the SPD is also to be discussed in the committee.

Approximately, violence prevention in teacher training is to be strengthened. The state government should check if the database for violence monitoring (GeMon) can be further developed and if its data can be evaluated together with police violence statistics in a "Child and Youth Violence Situation Report." Perspectively, a interface between school, police, and youth welfare is to be established to enable early detection of conflict scenarios. The state government should also check how communal prevention chains can be further developed. Schools, youth welfare, child protection, health care, police, school social work, and justice are to be better networked.

Martin Balasus (CDU) referred to examples such as Heide and Uetersen. Children and youth violence is becoming more frequent and more brutal, and the perpetrators are getting younger. "Enough is enough," said the deputy. "Today, the Landtag is sending a strong signal against youth violence." It is also important to pay attention to behavior in the household. Overburdened parents should receive help. "What goes wrong in the household can hardly be healed later," said the deputy.

Education Minister Prien: Helping endangered children early

For the Greens faction, Malte Kruger said the events should alarm us. "The fact that we are jointly submitting this motion shows the importance of the issue." Speaking of a "generation of brutality" is wrong. Lowering the juvenile justice age cannot be a solution.

Sophia Schiebe (SPD) emphasized the importance of the family. Social pedagogues and psychologists should be present in schools. Children must above all be protected from violence by adults.

FDP fraction leader Christopher Vogt said it was alarming how young the participants were and that more and more girls were involved in violent acts. "There is a lack of mutual respect in many families," said he. From the perspective of Christian Dirschauer (SSW), violence among youth has changed as have the living conditions of many parents. Many children are endangered in their development. It's about children in greatest need. Especially important is the networking of the help systems.

Education Minister Karin Prien (CDU) thanked the factions for their initiative and emphasized that endangered children should be helped as early as possible.

  1. The proposed measures package in the State parliament aims to address youth criminality, specifically addressing children and young individuals.
  2. Karin Prien, the Education Minister, emphasized the importance of helping endangered children early, recognizing the potential impact on youth criminality.
  3. CDU deputy Martin Balasus expressed concern over the increasing frequency and brutality of youth violence, highlighting the need for action against youth criminality.
  4. The Greens faction, led by Malte Kruger, believes that the issue of youth violence requires immediate attention, as seen in their joint submission of a motion to tackle youth criminality.
  5. Christopher Vogt, leader of the FDP fraction, pointed out the alarming trend of younger individuals becoming involved in violent acts and the lack of mutual respect in many families.
  6. Sophia Schiebe (SPD) emphasized the importance of protecting children from violence by adults, especially in the context of addressing youth criminality and violence with early intervention strategies.

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