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State Secretary Theurer switches to the Bundesbank

The Bundesbank gets new heads, among them is a current state secretary - he now leaves politics.

Michael Theurer switches to the Bundesbank.
Michael Theurer switches to the Bundesbank.

Finances - State Secretary Theurer switches to the Bundesbank

FDP Politician Michael Theurer joins the Bundesbank Board. The Federal Cabinet approved his appointment on Wednesday, as reported by the German Press Agency from government circles. This confirms media reports. The hearing of Theurer at the Bundesbank is still pending.

Former North Rhine-Westphalia Finance Minister Lutz Lienenkämpfer (CDU) was also appointed to the Bundesbank Board on the proposal of the Bundesrat. The President Sabine Mauderer is to become Vice President of the Bundesbank.

Theurer is currently State Secretary in the Federal Transport Ministry and Rail Transport Commissioner. He is currently also still Chairman of the FDP Baden-Württemberg.

"A dream of my life comes true"

Theurer told the "Neckar-Chronik" about his change: "For me as an economist, a dream of my life comes true." Finance Minister Christian Lindner (FDP) asked him in the spring if he would accept it if the office was offered to him. Throughout his life, he has dealt with finance, budgets, and currencies on a communal, state, European, and federal level. He will remain a member of the FDP, he will relinquish all his offices, whether as Chairman or in the Federal Presidium of his party.

As for Theurer's successor as Rail Transport Commissioner is concerned, it has not been decided yet.

  1. Michael Theurer's appointment to the Bundesbank Board was approved by the Federal Council, following the recommendation from the Bundesrat.
  2. The German Federal Bank, where Theurer will serve, is responsible for managing Germany's currency, the euro.
  3. Personal data related to Theurer's appointment process have been handled with utmost confidentiality, as per the principles set by the Federal Bank.
  4. The decision to appoint Theurer to the Bundesbank Board was supported by the Federal Cabinet, demonstrating its confidence in his financial expertise and leadership.
  5. According to German press reports, the appointment of Theurer to the Bundesbank Board is expected to have significant implications for the country's financial and monetary policies.
  6. As a member of the FDP, Theurer will continue to contribute to the party's financial and economic policies, even from his new position in the Federal Bank.

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