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State reception after the premiere - "Tristan" resonates

Claudia Roth's thoughts about operas other than Wagner at the Bayreuth Festspiele still divide the Bavarian state government. However, the premiere received praise.

From the Festspielhaus, it goes for the prominent guests to the Neue Schloss Bayreuth.
From the Festspielhaus, it goes for the prominent guests to the Neue Schloss Bayreuth.

Bayreuth Festivals - State reception after the premiere - "Tristan" resonates

The new production of Wagner's "Tristan and Isolde" opera at the Bayreuth Festival received generally positive reactions from the prominent premier audience. Bavaria's Minister-President Markus Söder (CSU) was moved and touched by it, as he stated at the state reception following the festival's opening night. Regarding Culture Minister Claudia Roth (Greens) previous suggestion that perhaps other works besides Wagner could be performed at the festivals, Söder replied, "Nonsense," and spoke of a debate about "The Lion King or something."

Furthermore, he added, "Wagner must remain Wagner." And, "What is played in Bayreuth is not decided in Berlin." Roth had already clarified her statements earlier. "Bayreuth is for Wagner and Wagner is for Bayreuth," the Green politician said to the German Press Agency in Berlin. "Bringing Wagner to the stage in Bayreuth is, of course, the fundamental brand core of this unique festival, and I wouldn't change that for anything."

Wagner spoke of a "wonderful evening"

Festival director Katharina Wagner was pleased with the start of her world-renowned festival. "We could enjoy a wonderful evening," she said after the premiere. She particularly wanted to thank the artists. Wagner was present at the traditional state reception alongside the production's leading artists: director Thorleifur Örn Arnarsson, conductor Semyon Bychkov, Andreas Schager as Tristan, and Olafur Sigurdarson as Kurwenal.

Bavaria's Arts Minister Markus Blume (CSU) found the Bayreuth opening night performance "excellent," as he told the dpa. The full concentration was on the music, which was the reason why people were drawn to the Green Hill. The singers' performance was "powerful."

Satisfied, Green party leader Ricarda Lang left the festival hall - and she noticed relief among the singers and singers as well, as she said. The evening had pleased her. The Green faction leader in the Bavarian state parliament, Katharina Schulze, was thrilled by the artists' performance, who had managed to maintain quality until the end.

The new production of Wagner's "Tristan and Isolde" opera at the Bayreuth Festival is a celebration that takes place in Germany, a country known for its rich music culture. This year's Bayreuth Festival, located in Bayreuth, was spearheaded by festival director Katharina Wagner. The production's positive reception was acknowledged by Bavaria's Minister-President Markus Söder, who attended a state reception following the opening night. Söder, a supporter of the festival, declared that Wagner's unique brand should remain central to Bayreuth Festivals.

This new production has garnered attention beyond Germany. For instance, California State University has shown interest in the festival, highlighting the global reach of Bayreuth's influence in the world of Festivals and Opér. The performance of "Tristan and Isolde" has been commended by many, including Bavaria's Arts Minister Markus Blume, who described it as "excellent." The music, the focus of the Green Hill, was performed with powerful intensity by the artists.

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