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State committee want information about Redmann's alcohol ride

Drunk on an E-Scooter: Investigation against CDU leading politician Redmann. Deputies see irregularities in the handling of the case and want clarification in a special committee session.

Two parliamentary committees are dealing with the Redmann case
Two parliamentary committees are dealing with the Redmann case

CDU-Leadership Candidates - State committee want information about Redmann's alcohol ride

The alcohol ride of the CDU's leading candidate for the Brandenburg state election, Jan Redmann, with an E-Scooter in Potsdam has a follow-up in the state parliament.

On this Wednesday, the Interior- and the Legal Affairs Committee come together for a special session in the state parliament.

A key question is: How did the Interior Ministry handle the internal police report about the politician's alcohol ride? Did anyone exert influence? The Left Faction suspects that the Chancellery was informed later than usual, so that Redmann would have a window of opportunity to publicly explain himself. The CDU considers the special session, in which the Interior- and Justice Ministry answer questions from the deputies, to be exaggerated.

Redmann was controlled in the evening of July 11th. According to the police, the Interior Ministry was informed telephonically about the alcohol ride in the morning thereafter. To respect Redmann's personal rights, the information was only electronically transmitted later. At that time, the CDU state- and faction leader had already informed the public himself and admitted the error.

The special session is about the handling of so-called WE-Reports of the police, i.e. reports of important events, which the Interior Ministry is obliged to report confidentially. In the Chancellery, only the Minister-President receives WE-Reports, further forwarded to his personal service account, as the government spokesperson stated. The forwarding comes from the Press Office of the Interior Ministry - not from the Police Brandenburg directly.

  1. The CDU's State Parliament faction is defending Redmann, arguing that the special session is an unnecessary exaggeration.
  2. The police controlled Redmann in the evening of July 11th, and the Interior Ministry was informed about his alcohol ride the following morning.
  3. The Left Faction in the state parliament suspects that the Chancellery was informed about Redmann's alcohol ride later than usual, potentially giving him a chance to explain himself publicly.
  4. The special session in the state parliament will focus on how the Interior Ministry handled the internal police report about Redmann's alcohol ride, specifically investigating any potential influence or delay.
  5. The special session will also delve into the handling of WE-Reports, confidential police reports on important events, and the protocol for forwarding these reports to the Chancellery.
  6. Jan Redmann, the CDU's leading candidate for the Brandenburg state election, has been at the center of this controversy after his alcohol ride on an E-Scooter in Potsdam.

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