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Special exhibition on the history of the Bundesgrenzschutz

The story of the Federal Border Guard is closely linked to that of the Cold War. Here, it is now made experiential.

In the memorial museum, an exhibition on the history of the Bundesgrenzschutz will be shown in...
In the memorial museum, an exhibition on the history of the Bundesgrenzschutz will be shown in August and September.

German Unification - Special exhibition on the history of the Bundesgrenzschutz

The Point Alpha Memorial Site at the former inner German border will illuminate the history of the former Federal Border Guard (Bundesgrenzschutz) in a special exhibition. With stories, photographs, film sequences, graphics and documents at digital information stations, the development of the former special police of the Federal Republic of Germany, from its founding in 1951 to the post- reunification period, will be told.

The special exhibition from August 8 to September 29 will honor the service of the officers and women of the Federal Border Guard (BGS), and will offer a new perspective on the inner German border, announced Benedikt Stock, the managing director of the Point Alpha Foundation. "For the first time ever, the history of the BGS will be structured and worked on in this way and presented in a source-based manner."

The Federal Border Guard was particularly present in the former border area of East Hesse with locations between Eschwege, Bad Hersfeld, Hünfeld and Fulda, according to Stock. With this project, the Federal Border Guard will in the future have a significantly greater weighting in the museal concept of the Memorial Site. After reunification and in view of new tasks, the Federal Border Guard was transformed into the Federal Police in 2005.

Point Alpha was a US Army observation post in the eastern Hessian village of Rasdorf during the Cold War - the approximately four decades following the end of the Second World War until German reunification. The Memorial Site on the Hessian-Thuringian state border connects the memory of this with that of the inner German border system, whose relics are still visible.

  1. The special exhibition at Point Alpha Memorial Site will provide insights into the history of the Federal Border Guard, especially their presence in East Hesse during the Cold War.
  2. The Memorial Site's new special exhibition will highlight the role of Point Alpha as a US Army observation post during the Cold War, and its connection to the inner German border system.
  3. Following the special exhibition, the Federal Border Guard's history will hold a more prominent position in the museum concept of the Memorial Site, reflecting their significant presence in the region.
  4. Visitors to the Memorial Site in Hesse and Thuringia can look forward to a special exhibition that offers a comprehensive analysis of the Federal Border Guard's history, from its foundation in 1951 to its transformation into the Federal Police in 2005.

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