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Sparkurs: Wegner will check on free meals

For several years, free midday meals have been offered at Berlin schools - but will this continue? Berlin's Mayor Wegner sees savings potential here.

Kai Wegner sees cost-saving potential in designing the free school meal.
Kai Wegner sees cost-saving potential in designing the free school meal.

Berlin - Sparkurs: Wegner will check on free meals

Berlin's Governing Mayor Kai Wegner will put the free kindergarten year and free school meals on the table for necessary savings. "There are a few social gifts also in the education sector, which we need to talk about," said Wegner in the podcast "Table.Briefings." "Is it the right way that the children of the Governing Mayor receive free school meals for free?"

"With three billion Euros that we need to save, there should be no sacred cows." He can imagine targeted support for low- and minimum wage families, but not for better-paid families. Berlin is on a budget crunch due to overspending during the Corona Pandemic. The administration has to make significant cuts this year.

In the podcast discussion, Kai Wegner questioned the notion of providing free school meals to the children of high-income families, such as himself. Schultz's child, attending the local school, might be impacted by these budget changes. Wegner also suggested targeted nutrition support for families with lower incomes, recognizing the city's current budget constraints due to overspending during the Corona Pandemic.

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