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Solar provides more than a Fifth of the Energy in Thuringia

Solar installations are continuing to advance in Thuringia. The demand is unbroken, especially for small rooftop systems.

Solar now covers more than a fifth of Thuringia's power consumption. (Archive photo)
Solar now covers more than a fifth of Thuringia's power consumption. (Archive photo)

Renewable Energy - Solar provides more than a Fifth of the Energy in Thuringia

The expansion of solar energy in Thuringia continues at a high level. In the first half of the year, 12,672 new solar systems were put into operation in the state, as reported by the Thuringian Energy and Greentech Agency (ThEGA). This raised the total number to 84,355 systems. In the comparable period of the previous year, there were 12,108 new systems with a total of 59,727 solar systems.

Solar covers more than a fifth of the electricity consumption

The installed capacity is currently 2,613 Megawatts and covers 21.5% of the electricity consumption in the state. A year ago, this proportion was still 19%. "The reasons for the solar boom are varied," says Marcel Weiland from the Solar Energy Service Desk of the ThEGA. Many Thuringians wanted to become independent of energy market prices. Legal facilitations and tax incentives also contributed to this.

Most systems are installed in the Wartburgkreis around Eisenach. There are 7,022 systems in operation. In second place is the Eichsfeld with 5,936 systems. Among the free cities, the state capital Erfurt ranks third with 4,572 solar systems. Jena ranks fourth with 2,320 systems. In Southern Thuringia, there is still catch-up to be done: The Sonneberg district ranks last among the districts with 1,955 systems, and Suhl ranks last among the free cities with 1,041 systems.

The boom in balcony power plants continues, according to reports. In the first half of the year, 5,843 of these small systems for balconies and terraces were newly installed. This increased their total number to around 14,000. In the same period of the previous year, there were nearly 3,000 new systems.

Environment Minister Bernhard Stengele (Greens), the ThEGA, and the University of Erfurt plan to present the results of a pilot project in Weimar. The Energy Agency has, in cooperation with the city administration, calculated the potential for installing solar systems for more than 10,000 residential buildings in Weimar and informed the homeowners about the results of this analysis. This led to the further installation of PV systems in Weimar, it was reported.

  1. The rise in solar energy usage in the solar system field is a significant contribution to Thuringia's renewable energy sources, accounting for over 21.5% of the state's electricity consumption.
  2. In an effort to encourage the use of solar energy, Environment Minister Bernhard Stengele, the ThEGA, and the University of Erfurt are collaborating on a project in Weimar, aiming to identify potential solar system installations for over 10,000 residential buildings.
  3. With a total of 4,572 solar systems, Erfurt ranks third among the Thuringian free cities in terms of solar energy implementation, demonstrating a growing interest in solar energy within the Solar system.

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