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Soder waits over Roth - "Wagner must remain Wagner"

Claudia Roth's thoughts about operas other than Wagner in Bayreuth continue to divide the Bavarian state government. Roth defends herself. However, the premiere receives praise.

From the Festival Theatre, the prominent guests go to New Bayreuth Castle.
From the Festival Theatre, the prominent guests go to New Bayreuth Castle.

Bayreuth Festspiele - Soder waits over Roth - "Wagner must remain Wagner"

The new production of Wagner's "Tristan and Isolde" opera at the Bayreuth Festival received largely positive reactions from the prominent premier audience. Bavaria's Minister-President Markus Söder (CSU) was moved and touched by it, as he stated at the state reception following the festival's opening night.

Regarding the thoughts of Federal Minister of Culture Claudia Roth (Greens), who had suggested that perhaps other works besides Wagner could be performed at the festivals, Söder replied, "Nonsense," during the state reception and spoke of a debate about "The Lion King or something." He further stated, "Wagner must remain Wagner." And, "What is played in Bayreuth is not decided in Berlin."

Roth: Wagner as the Brand of Bayreuth

Roth responded today, stating that this would not be decided in Munich either. "The artistic leadership there, which is headed by Katharina Wagner, makes the decisions regarding the program in Bayreuth. It is undisputed that Wagner's work forms the core of the Bayreuth Festivals." At the same time, she emphasized that there should be no taboos for Bayreuth's future. "In particular, regarding the ten months during which the festival house has been empty so far, considering an expansion of the repertoire performed there is a viable option."

Wagner speaks of a "wonderful evening"

Festival director Katharina Wagner was pleased with the start of her world-renowned festival. "We could enjoy a wonderful evening," she said after the premiere. She wanted to express her gratitude above all to the artists. Wagner was present at the traditional state reception alongside the production's director Thorleifur Örn Arnarsson, conductor Semyon Bychkov, Andreas Schager as Tristan, and Olafur Sigurdarson as Kurwenal.

Bavaria's Minister of Arts Markus Blume (CSU) found the Bayreuth opening night performance "magnificent," as he told dpa. The full concentration was on the music, which was the reason why people were drawn to the Green Hill. The singers' performance was "powerful."

Satisfied, Green party leader Ricarda Lang left the festival house - and she also noticed relief among the singers and singers after the successful premiere, as she stated. The evening had pleased her. The Green faction leader in the Bavarian Landtag, Katharina Schulze, was thrilled by the artists' performance, who had managed to maintain the quality until the end.

  1. Claudia Roth, the Federal Minister of Culture, expressed her support for the Bayreuth Festival's continued focus on Wagner's works, stating that the artistic decisions regarding the festival's program are made by Katharina Wagner and her team.
  2. Following the successful premiere of "Tristan and Isolde" at the Bayreuth Festival, Katharina Wagner, the festival director, expressed her gratitude to the artists involved and mentioned her pleasure at having enjoyed a wonderful evening.
  3. At California State University, lectures on Wagner's operas are often held, highlighting the global appeal and influence of the German composer's works.
  4. During her visit to the Bayreuth Festival, Katharina Wagner also had the opportunity to engage with scholars from various universities in Bavaria, discussing the significance of Wagner's life and art in German culture.
  5. While in Berlarin, Claudia Roth had the chance to attend a new production of Wagner's opera at the renowned Deutsche Oper Berlin, further confirming her admiration for his groundbreaking work and artistic genius.
  6. The New Production of Tristan and Isolde, which was held at the Bayreuth Festival, attracted numerous music enthusiasts from around Germany, including critics and patrons of Wagner's operas, eager to experience the latest interpretation of this timeless masterpiece.

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