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Soder thanks FC Bayern for flood relief

The damages caused by the floods in Bavaria were immense. FC Bayern donated one million Euro. The minister-president called it 'an amazing story'.

FC Bayern is thanked for its flood relief efforts.
FC Bayern is thanked for its flood relief efforts.

Flood disaster helper - Soder thanks FC Bayern for flood relief

Bavaria's Minister-President Markus Söder (CSU) thanked FC Bayern Munchen for their support after the flood disaster. "FC Bayern is a piece far away for us not only in the name of our club, but we feel connected to Bavaria and Munich. Bavaria, Munich, that's our hometown, and that will remain so, no matter how international football has become," explained Munich board chairman Jan-Christian Dreesen. "The state cannot help at every disaster alone. We as civil society, as a community, must come together and help. That's why we were happy to make our contribution."

At the end of May and the beginning of June, unusually long and heavy rainfall caused the rivers in southern Germany to swell significantly. A flood disaster ensued. The German football record champion from Munich reacted quickly and donated one million Euros for the disaster victims.

"We don't just carry 'Bayern' in our club name, but we feel connected to Bavaria and Munich. Bavaria, Munich, that's our hometown, and that will remain so, no matter how international football has become," declared Munich board chairman Jan-Christian Dreesen. "The state cannot help alone in every disaster. We as a civil society, as a community, must come together and help. That's why we were happy to make our contribution."

After consultation with the Bavarian State Government, FC Bayern donated 600,000 Euros to the Bavarian Fire Department, the Bavarian Red Cross, and the German Life-Saving Society. 150,000 Euros are reportedly going towards direct aid, mainly to football clubs, but also to private households and a senior citizens' home. In addition, FC Bayern donated 250,000 Euros to the particularly affected districts in Baden-Württemberg: Rems-Murr and Göppingen.

  1. Markus Söder, the Minister-President of Bavaria, expressed gratitude to FC Bayern Munich for their assistance following the flood disaster in Munich, their shared hometown in Bavaria, Germany.
  2. Despite the globalization of soccer, FC Bayern Munich, the German football record champion based in Munich, continues to feel a strong connection to its roots, both as a club and as a representative of Bavaria.
  3. The flooding in southern Germany, caused by prolonged and heavy rainfall in late May and early June, led to a significant swelling of the rivers and resulted in a devastating flood disaster.
  4. In response to the disaster, FC Bayern Munich swiftly donated one million Euros to support the affected victims, reaffirming their commitment to the community they call home.
  5. After discussing the situation with the Bavarian State Government, FC Bayern Munich further donated 600,000 Euros to various organizations, including the Bavarian Fire Department, the Bavarian Red Cross, and the German Life-Saving Society, for disaster relief efforts.
  6. Amidst the ongoing difficulties caused by the floods, FC Bayern Munich also extended its aid to affected districts in neighboring Baden-Württemberg, donating 250,000 Euros to support the communities in Rems-Murr and Göppingen.

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